It’s the slippery slope theory. If the US doesn’t seal the border it’s only a matter of time before it moves north to Yukon. Canada will lose its ethnic heritage and the Edmonton Olmecs will be the scourge of the NHL.
“It’s irrelevant,” Steyn, who was born in Canada, said. “The white supremacists are American citizens. The illegal immigrants are people who shouldn’t be here. And the organizing principle of nation states is that they’re organized on behalf of their citizens, whether their citizens are cheerleaders or white supremacists or whatever. You’re stuck with them.”
Taco trucks on every corner–that’s what!
The racism just drips from every sentence. Carlson thinks he’s avoiding it by inserting “New Zealanders” into the conversation, but every time he says “us” in the context of Arizona, it is clear from context he means whites.
American plutocrats have always scapegoated minority groups for the problems created by their own greedy actions in public, and used violence to maintain their authority in private. The issue is that now everything is out in the open and there is no longer any “private”. So Trump tweets it, and Fox broadcasts it, and suddenly what was said at the Club is now on the air and the internet.
Nazi Germany is clearly one precedent, one possible outcome. But this is a unique situation, and I’m hoping that a couple of elections from now the majority repudiates 2017, and most of the Trump team ends up at Guantanamo.
Great. Now I’m hungry.
Stupid stupid stupid
Watch all the right wingers following this twitter account
Does the name of the so called rep look funny
On and His tagline reads “You’ll never find a sucker like a Trump supporter.”
My work is done.
well he is ancient history
What a terrible thought. There might be taco trucks on every corner!
[quote=“ophmarketing, post:34, topic:67492, full:true”]
“This preference that Nancy Pelosi and Chris Cuomo and increasing people have for actually importing a class of citizen that they prefer to the ones they’re stuck with is actually very revealing,”[/quote]
Just so we’re clear: The guy whose party’s president openly decried the fact that people were coming here from “shithole” countries instead of places like Norway is complaining that Pelosi and Cuomo have a preference for “importing a class of citizen that they prefer.”
We’re so deep into the rabbit hole that I don’t even know which way is up anymore.
I used to think the Ni*CLANG! event horizon was asymptotic, but now I believe it is possible that they will, in fact, cross it and if/when they do, it will almost certainly occur on Fox.
They’ve been about for 400-plus years. These pasty twits are the interlopers.
(Also pasty, but at least my uncle was from old san antionio)
Things haven’t changed all that much. Today, we’re all “consumers” for our corporate overlords.
He ought to understand that a sizable portion of northern Maine is populated with French Canadians who crossed the border and stayed.
Goebbels would be so proud of FOX News.
They push the “Big Lie” every single day to their willfully ignorant viewers.
How better to prepare for the new Fuehrer Trump? Every Fascist needs a scapegoat and they have TWO (latinos and Muslims)
Not just northern maine but vermont and new hampshire as well. You don’t get towns like Orleans or Vergennes from yeoman british stock.
That’s because Mexico used to claim most of the southwest US.
A Little Too late to eliminate chain migration Kemosabe!!
Tucker’s expression is continually that of a man smelling his own farts.