Discussion: Fox News' Bill O’Reilly Warns Trump: Lay Off ‘Tawdry’ Clinton Attacks

Man, Trump’s week started out with a bang—Bill O’Reilly and the North Koreans both telling him to show some restraint, be more judicious, have a bit of dignity, that’s got to be a new record.


When you’re too tawdry for O’Reilly, you’ve fallen off the edge of the Earth.


Now if Bill O’Reilly had suggested that maybe he lay off of some of the tawny bronzer.


Exactly, when Bill O. emerges as the voice of reason, you’ve strayed way over the border into CrazyLand.


The right wing remains terrified that Trump will ruin the GOP. The fear is real. When people, not just GOP primary voters, begin to focus on Trump’s temperament, and his rhetoric about using nuclear weapons, the GOP will be in trouble.


Um hmmmmmmm…‘she’s being NASTY so I have to be insane’…got it. And t he polls say she is running a ‘dirtier’ campaign than Trump. Oh yeah. Gotta love the ‘reporting’ in this country.


donald should listen up to Ken Starr.

“His genuine empathy for human beings is absolutely clear,” Mr. Starr said. “It is powerful, it is palpable and the folks of Arkansas really understood that about him — that he genuinely cared. The ‘I feel your pain’ is absolutely genuine.”


Sanders and Trump

“The Antagony and the Excesstacy”


I agree.

Maybe Billo, in a rare moment of sanity in his alcohol-ravaged brain, remembered how the attacks on Clinton during the '90s actually made him even MORE popular. And now Trump wants to use this against Bill Clinton’s WIFE?
And how desperate would you have to be to throw this out in May? IN MAY! I would love to have a peek at their internal polling.


Is the guy who said “But you know that it makes the country look bad abroad and things like that" still running his boycott of France?

Jumped right to the Vince Foster lie. Where do you go after you’ve already called your opponent a murderer?


Nobody should ever listen to Ken Starr. He made a jackass out of himself.

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Yup the “free press”. With their thumbs on the scale, when they’re not sitting on it. Somehow, I don’t think that the framers had Rupert Murdoch, Jeff Bezos and Sheldon Adelson in mind when they wrote the 1st ammendment.


She’s been very nasty, and I said I’d like it to be on policy, straight down the middle,” he said

He wants it to be about policy? Which ones?

Guns in schools…he’s for it and against it.

He’s going to build a border wall, except not really.

He’s going to keep all Muslims out…but that’s just a suggestion.

Can’t really have a policy discussion with a guy who has a foot firmly planted on both sides of an issue.


Never mind. Got it. Picture of the Clintons hanging out with James Earl Ray.

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Well, he’s already called Bill Clinton a Rapist. Chelsea’s probably next up for a Trump epithet. Do the Clintons have a dog?

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Has anybody seen Hillary attack Trump on his past personal behavior? Neither have I. I think the SOB lies.


“Not because I’d really advise you to try ‘the high road’ Donald, but because you’ve had a wife
claim you 'raped’ her after your hair replacement surgery bombed, and I sure don’t want
people remembering my public attempt to cheat on my wife, and subsequent hush payment
to hide my sexual harassment case!!”