Why did Socks the cat really leave?
I know you’ve been around long enough to understand the implications of that particular juxtaposition.
To become the Clinton’s permanent representative to the Bilderberg Group. Everyone knows that.
It’s equally likely that O’Reilly is warning Trump that if he continues to go after HRC with low blows and innuendo, Trump is the one who’s gonna live to regret it when HRC’s PAC comes after him.
Trump is throwing boulders around in his big glass house…
I don’t know what the “Clinton attack machine” is, but I can only hope that it’s some futuristic, nuclear-power, military super-tank with missiles and lasers being made for secret missions to other planets to fight in the intergalactic war against the Xrogots.
I guess Donald learned nothing after his Tweet of Heidi Cruz backfired on him in Wisconsin.
Trump is pathological, O’Reilly is pathological, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Oh, I see what you mean, but In this instance, that was not intentional on my part. Not that I want to edit it though.
muttering under his breath Billo added that Fox is more than happy to independently carry out these attacks for Donnie Dimwit…
see Steve Douchebag and Friends…
Trump should only be referred to as a “child-man”.
The 5 year old mentality responses like “I’m only responding to what they do” or his response to Meagan when she asked him hard questions during the debates and responded by vulgarly criticizing her… his rationale… “When I’m wounded, I go after people hard, OK? And I try and un-wound myself”.
He is a fucking child man that does not own responsibility for anything he says or does.
I think we all know what the Clinton attack machine is. We have seen it in play. It is truly a thing to behold. And what we also know, is that it is going to chew Trump up and spit him out. By the time the Clinton political machine gets done with him, Trump won’t know what else to do but file for bankruptcy. Again.
Trump’s strategy has nothing to do with truth or falsehood. It’s all about being the stronger fighter, coming from behind to get the lead and keeping it. He’s showing his creds to the American people as the alpha male, the fighter, the WWE champ. Negative campaigning works when voters are thinking with their guts.Over-reacting viscerally to Trump falls into his trap, IMO.
Undoubtedly we will eventually conclude that there is no person on earth more tawdry than Trump, and even the most despicable among us will be unable to get Trump to shut his puckered anus-like piehole.
Oh not at all! He’s deliberately styling his hair and face a different color every day. He feels it’s a big advantage to be so unpredictable!
What I find most scary is the number of people who prefer Trump BECAUSE he has an angry volatile temperament and says reckless things. We really have that many demented citizens looking for an authoritarian madman?
You’ll notice that both times he has lobbed a volley at the Clintons about sexual assault, etc, has been right as Bill Cosby heads back into the news, thus ensuring that the talking heads will spend time comparing the two Bills.
You must have missed Reagan and Bush crime family.
Having to stick anywhere close to the neighborhood of reality was never a problem for Clinton-bashers. When Trump runs out of the hackneyed conspiracy theories, he’ll just make shit up.
The GOP is already dead. It’s been a shambling, zombified corpse with no intellect or independent will or purpose of its own other than a mindless quest for destruction since the 1990’s. The shameful Schiavo episode should have been the wakeup call to the party’s complete moral and intellectual bankruptcy if nothing else that happened during the Bush Administration could break through the fog of stupidity the Beltway MSM weaves around itself to avoid noticing that anything very odd is going on in America right now.
Trump is a consequence of the GOP’s brain death. As a grifter himself, he saw clearly that there was no longer any party, just a continuous long con to trick stupid people into voting for intrinsically, dangerously stupid ideas that would never be delivered because they were so dangerously stupid. And stealing other grifters’ marks by promising even more transparently stupid ideas has been the basis of his whole career.
It was inevitable that someone was going to come along and give the entire rotted structure the kick that would bring it all toppling down and steal away the votes stored therein. It just happened to be Trump.
Not only is he a supreme jackass, but his abomination of a witch hunt is the reason they eliminated the position special prosecutor. Whitewater was such an egregious distortion of the law, Congress decided they could never allow it to be repeated. He should be hiding his head in shame.
Of course, Republicans keep trying to repeat what they consider to be his resounding success.