Discussion: Fox Host: Why Hasn't Black Lives Matter Been Labeled A Hate Group?

Remember back when we were in school our teachers used to tell us there are no stupid questions? They were wrong.


The KKK stopped being an organization for the advancement of white people?

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Wish they wouldn’t do that, because it can be (mis-)used against them, but “fry” in my experience refers specifically to the death penalty (hangover from when the electric chair was the most common method), which would mean they’re calling for murder convictions. That may or may not be realistic or even appropriate in any given case, but BLM is definitely not calling for the killing of anyone, cops included.


What was done to Smith was barbaric, but I fear a white person who had done the crime would have suffered a lynching also.Maybe not so barbaric, but he would’ve been lynched for sure. If you want to read of something nearly as disgusting which was done to a totally innocent pregnant black woman who’s crime was to seek justice for her murdered husband, read this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Turner
I’ve read it about 4 times in the past 2 years and it makes me sick with disgust each time I read it.

BEST Answer. +1000.

The only response to this idioticy is stupid is as stupid does…When Ms. Hasselbeck joined Fox, it is the perfect spot for her…Only Fox News and its anchors could be this illogical, irrational and nonsensical…

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“Fox brought on conservative African-American writer Kevin Jackson to discuss the Saturday Black Lives Matter protest at the Minnesota State Fair…”

The final straw was the BLM protesters blocking the entrance to the fried Snickers trailer. Someone really should have called out the National Guard once it escalated to such a depraved level.

Fox stoking the flames of fear-- again.

Kevin Jackson’s black life doesn’t matter. Police take note. Worse-than-pond-scum lives don’t matter, either, of whatever color.

People who will not respect the lives of others deserve no respect for their own lives. It’s time to stop being liberal with this worse-than-scum contingent. They need to either show respect, or get none, either become reciprocal parts of our civilization, or be shunned by it. Their souls are foul.

Not wanting to be shot and killed by a police officer while unarmed and doing nothing wrong is not really the same as “hate”.

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And they are master propagandists to be sure. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

One could do a nice Masters thesis on this topic alone – if it hasn’t already been done.

BLM is the NEW Acorn oh the outrage

The murder of Turner and her child received diverging coverage in white and black newspapers; white newspapers failed to mention her pregnancy, while black reports emphasized it.[10] After the incident, the Associated Press wrote that Mary Turner had made “unwise remarks” about the execution of her husband, and that “the people, in their indignant mood, took exception to her remarks, as well as her attitude”.[11]

The way the AP covers stories has changed less than I thought over the last hundred years.

Like many people who have grown up wrapped in the swaddling clothes of the dominant culture, Hasselbeck confuses righteous indignation for hate.

Counter-question: Do blonde androids dream of blow-dried electric sheep?

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Oh shit this is going to throw a real monkey wrench in their “BLM caused this black against white hate crime” theme since they like to used the mental health clause to get the white shooters off the hook.

I’ll bet Barbara Walters keeps asking herself, “Why? Why did I give that hate-filled know-nothing a chance? Just look what she’s done with that wonderful opportunity I gave her! What a bitch!”

For the same reason Fox News isn’t labeled a hate group. Actually, that’s a bad analogy…