If you watch the video, it does seem to show marchers at the fair, behind a Black Lives Matter banner, chanting, “Fry 'em like bacon, pigs in a blanket.” Not encouraging.
Beat me to it. And yep, it really is that simple.
The thing I find really horrifying here is that thus far there is not one scintilla of actual evidence that either of the killings they’re trumpeting had anything to do with BLM or Ferguson or any other act of police on black violence. None, zero, zilch. A police chief saying he “assumes” something is the motive is not evidence.
And that’s exactly how things used to work in ol’ Judge Lynch’s courtroom. When you read the old newspaper accounts of lynchings–and national papers would always send a reporter if there was enough advance notice, as there often was, what just jumps out at you in the account is the underlying, unstated assumption that well, of course a black person accused of a crime against a white isn’t entitled to a trial or a hearing before being executed. If a black man is accused of a crime, you round up a mob, grab him up, savagely torture him for several hours–usually with fire–and then kill him.
The reporters would often decry the savagery they were reporting in lurid, pornographic detail, but you never once see a sign that it so much as occurred to them that the allegations leveled against the victim might be untrue or incomplete and thus subjected to some kind of official truth-determining process such as, say, a fucking trial.
That was a critical part of the underlying ideological message of the lynch culture. It’s why they’d break into jails so they could kill people who it would seem were doomed to be sentenced to death if their cases were tried. The idea that evidence or truth or fact played a role in determining whether a black person was killed was intolerable and inconceivable. The mere making of the allegation was sufficient because the word of any white person, without regard to motive or to facial impossibility that that the white person making the allegation could even know what he claimed to know, was all it took. Because that was the point: the Dred Scott principal that a black person had no rights a white person need respect or acknowledge was still in effect, Civil War and three constitutional amendments notwithstanding.
And that culture still echoes loudly on Fox and in right wing media.
TRIGGER WARNING: Do not read the linked story unless you have an incredibly strong stomach.
During a segment on the Black Lives Matter movement on Monday morning,
“Fox and Friends” host Elisabeth Hasselbeck suggested that the
organization be labeled a hate group."
So Hasselbeck broadcasts that she hates blacks. Got it.
Seig Heil Elizabeth.
Who do they hate? That’s how you get labeled a hate group…you rally other to hate. BLM is a group that FOX hates…its not a hate group.
I can understand Hasselbeck’s frustration that black people who are tired of black people being gunned down in the streets like dogs aren’t being gunned down in the street like dogs. It may be sickening and disgusting, but I can understand it. That’s the curse of empathy, something that Fox News and its minions will never be subjected to.
My friend just whined (perfectly) that it wasn’t fair that there was a National Left Hand Appreciation day. She put up a #AllHandsMatter reply.
Seriously, Faux Nooz should change their motto to “All Derp All the Time!”
…But I’d go with “All shit all the time”
Well, they hate racists and hating racists is so racist.
Faux Nooz is a hate group.
More importantly, why has Elizabeth Hasselbeck not been labeled a “Know-Nothing Dope”? Oh, wait, she’s on Fox, that would be redundant AND repetitive.
Between the Harris County Deputy DA the Harris County, TX Sheriff and Fox News, Black Lives Matters HAS been labeled. If all lives matter, why the fuck does Fox make it it’s business to smear victims of police violence?
they are one and the same. one is a political party. the other is the propaganda distributor for them.
don’t you just love their use of token black guys spreading the hate on other black people. hate group
Not a big surprise to any white person but still amazing to read all the white folk comments in case someone thinks white americans don’t have any prejudices toward blacks.
FOX News: Still Number 1 in creating & disseminating ridiculous, bigoted, racist, and nonsensical memes to its aging white audience looking for inanities to repeat at local taverns, bowling alleys, barber shops, and cross-burning picnics! Number 1!
Maybe because they’re smart enough to keep quiet about their Second Amendment rights.
If it weren’t for fear, they wouldn’t have jobs.
Through the special Tea Party glasses, the name of the group reads Slaughter the Whiteys
And here is a vintage recording by the founder of the group:
I love everything about this comment.
Also, what’s up with the "radical group calls for killing of cops."chyron? As far as I know, no one associated with BLM has called for the killing of cops. But, guilt by association, you know.
The Canadians had the right answer to these cretins.