Discussion: Fox Host: Why Hasn't Black Lives Matter Been Labeled A Hate Group?

Discussion for article #239940

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Two better questions:

  1. Why hasn’t the Republican Party been labeled a hate group?
  2. Why hasn’t Fox “News” Corp. been labeled a hate group?

Either has more hate than everyone else put together.


That would stir up the ‘free speech’ advocates…

That would likely give Wolf Blitzer a sad face. (s)


Look at the grim faces of fear Hasselbeck and the other guy are wearing.

If it weren’t for fear they’d have happier lives.


OK Dumb-Fucks, let me explain: A “Hate Group” is NOT a group that YOU HATE. It is a group that espouses HATRED OF OTHERS.

Oh. Your. God. you people are stupid.


“Kevin, why has the Black Lives Matter movement not been classified yet as a hate group?” Hasselbeck asked Jackson during the segment. “How much more has to go in this direction before someone actually labels it as such?”

Now this is the part where Kristen Powers (or a ‘Fox Democrat’) should have been there to remind the ‘nice’ blonde lady about how BLM actually got started. But anyhow…

I went searching on the ‘Google machine’ for Hasselbeck love for those ‘Scooby Villains’. While there are a lot of info on the webs, once again here is a tale of her defending the cop who arrested Sandra Bland.


Oh my, look at the concern on those two faces.


Hey, a drunk in a bar once flipped a cigarette at me because I was speaking to a woman he had the hots for and burned a tiny hole in my shirt. The bartender grabbed a baseball bat, stuck it between his legs, grabbed the other end and tiptoed him out of the bar and unceremoniously tossed him onto the sidewalk with a warning not to come back or he’d beat him with the bat next time.

So yes, cigarettes are potentially a weapon of mass destruction! :wink:


Wait, they haven’t?

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Smoking in bars, the good old days.


This is really just another idiotic version of “The NAACP is racist. Why isn’t there an organization for the advancement of white people? Why are there black beauty pageants? If white people had an all-white beauty pageant, they would call it racist.” Atop Bullshit Mountain, any discussion of or organization that attempts to address issues unique to minority communities is racist.


Here is how it stacks up:

I live in Wisconsin, but on the border with Minnesota. My hubby and I went to the State Fair on Saturday, the day BLM was scheduled to march in protest outside the fairgrounds. They did so in a peaceful and orderly fashion. No violence, nothing harmful.

When the local news organization posted the presence of the march on FB. There was more than one poster, typically a female but not always, that wrote as to whether it was safe to come to the fair. One in particular said she didn’t want her children’s experience to be messed up because of the march.

Minnesota is home to many, many Blue State representatives, not the least of which include Hubert Humphrey, Walter Mondale and Al Franken.

And yet, this is what we saw: fear. Irrational fear and a protective position that children shouldn’t see anything that disrupts their Disney Channel life.

All of that is perpetuated by this dumba$$ statement by a brainless reality show person.


It’s not Black Lives Matter; whites lives don’t.

It’s Black Lives Matter, TOO.

These people are worse than pond scum.


The answer to question #1 is Fox “News”.

The answer to question#2 is the republican party.

Talk about a circle jerk, or circle of jerks either works.


Bullshit mountain? Didn’t Obama just rename it?


The rotting corpse of Josef Goebbels looks upon his acolyte FOX with morbid admiration.


You add ignorance to a shitload of Fox viewers who feel victimized by their whiteness and you get Mt. Everest of bullshit. It was especially tough for Jon Stewart who watched because he had to. The rest eat it all up as if the bullshit they feed on is steak and lobster.


Because it isn’t. How’s that for an answer?


So the banner on this Fox News discussion says “Radical Group Calls for Killing of Cops”. Has Black Lives Matter every actually done this, or is this an out-and-out lie? I know, a lie on Fox News - what a shocker!