Discussion: Fox Host, Ted Olson Gang Up On Tony Perkins In Gay Marriage Debate (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #228741

Every time Tony Perkins opens his mouth, a purse falls out and my Gaydar goes into overdrive.


“Think of the wedding vendors” is a thing now?


“Perkins replied by bringing up wedding vendors put out of business by refusing to serve gay couples.”

Isn’t that the free market at work?


Fox Not Really News calling out the anti-equality types?


My sister got a divorce when a gay couple moved in across the street. My brother lost his job to another white guy when an Asian dude rented an apartment next door. My uncle go the gout when his girlfriend’s mother-in-law married her former sister-in-law.


And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!!!
Be very afraid!


“Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, MASS HYSTERIA!”


Wedding vendors, or the tiny minority who object to making a cake for two people with similar plumbing, need to face the facts. Society has broadly decided that you can’t discriminate against people for being gay, and there are formal penalties for that. And the idea that you can violate a law you object to on (in this case dubious) religious grounds is not something a secular society can tolerate very far without getting into some real trouble. In other words, they got nothin’, so they make these convoluted, weak-ass arguments. If you have an historical ear it sounds a lot like the anti-integrationists fifty years ago. Today it’s considered pretty goddamned unremarkable that blacks and whites eat lunch at the same diners. You got nothin’, Perkins! Siddown and shaddup! Eejit.


Impact on the 2016 election? By 2016, the debate will be over. The Republicans can try to raise the issue, but for everyone else the matter will be closed. I know many have denounced the Supreme Court for not deciding the issue once and for all, but I can see their brilliance. Let this play out through the appeals process. By the time the Supreme Court does take up a case (if they ever do), marriage equality will already be the law of the land. Bader-Ginsburg has hinted as much during interviews.


One more thing about the wedding vendors. It was heterosexual couples who boycotted them, once the vendors’ bigotry became public, that caused the vendors to have to close.


You left out the Staypuft Marshmallow man!


Poor Tony Perkins, he just do not get it?

LOVE has a lot to do with marriage and if not, then is it a marriage?


I didn’t listen to the discussion—busy day, life is short, and I’m fussy what I listen to—but I think if you look at it objectively the debate’s been over for a while. The Dominionist Christians have an outsized influence in politics but they’re still a minority and they don’t decide things for the broader public end of story. Most of us have gay acquaintances, friends, and relatives, and we think if they want to get married they ought to be able to get married. Period. The walls are still falling state by state, and we’re still hearing about it, but it’s over.


Self-appointed moral scolds like Perkins make a living policing the boundaries. He is worried about being put out of the bigotry business. Then he’d have to get a real job.


So, you are saying Dr. Peter Venkman is a homophobe?[quote=“lastroth, post:12, topic:11555, full:true”]

You left out the Staypuft Marshmallow man!

I can’t get enough of those Ghost Busters references. Especially, the timeless dialogue quotes… kudos to @Looby!

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sounds like an intervention to me.


Only if they refuse to do gay weddings.

This is how I use to love putting it:

“Fire and brimstone coming down from the sky! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes! Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats, living together! Mass hysteria! Rivers will run red with blood and yellow with urine. And a dog will be seen eating cat food in the land”


Tony Perkins: “We know from social science that children do best with a mom and a dad.”

What a hypocrite. 

And his reference to "the social science" to support his position is disingenuous;  he is just as likely to condemn the research of the social sciences when it suits his own bias.

Perkin's piety pales along side his politics.