Discussion: Fox Host, Ted Olson Gang Up On Tony Perkins In Gay Marriage Debate (VIDEO)

So, basically, Tony Perkins came on FOX, got beaten up and his lunch money stolen?


He wil be on with Megyn tommorow night pleading his case.

Perkins, like most Conservatives, tend to do a lot of cherry picking of data. As far as he is concerned, the only answer is the right answer and he already knows the right answer.

For instance, the whole Traditional Marriage idiocy. Biblically speaking, Traditional Marriage is one man, many women. What’s more, among the majority of European cultures, the traditional marriage was between a man and a woman, a man and a man, or a woman and a woman, and was centered on the economic health of the culture not the need to procreate. The kind of Traditional Marriage that Perkins pushes is the kind that they had in ancient Greece and Rome. In those cultures, men married women, and women were expected to stay home, raise the children that resulted from their sexual congress. In Greece, men and women engaged in homosexual liaisons in order to relieve any excess sexual needs.

I could go on. Basically, they’re all liars and hypocrites.


And live in a state where failing to serve anyone who is gay is against the law.

These wedding vendors weren’t hurt because they refused to do a gay wedding, but rather because they lived in a state where the law clearly states that you cannot discriminate against gays.


I watched this exchange live and thought the same thing. Turning and turning in the widening gyre / The falcon cannot hear the falconer; / Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;


Perkins is just following the Fox script

Tony Perkins sees his cash flow drying up; that’s what’s really got his tits in an uproar.


I can tell you exactly why Perkins is worried… it takes away Perkin’s money stream, he won’t have a hate argument to make or anyone to listen to it.


Exactly. Right on point… These people have to ask this one question. What would be the repercussions of not serving a black person because they are black?

There is no difference. Discrimination is not tolerated in this country. Using religious liberty allows you to practice your religion but not if any of the tenants violate the Constitution. In this country, the Constitution supersedes the Bible. If we lived in a theocracy I would have to agree with Perkins; However, we are a secular society where even you Tony and your bots have to obey the laws or stop serving the public.


Tenants violate a lease where they live.

“Tenets” are principles or beliefs.

You are correct. Brain freeze. Sorry about that.


Matt, I almost never listen to the Fox clips for many of your same reasons, but this one was worth the couple minutes.

Perkins desperately clinging to past talking points that even his own ‘side’ finds ridiculous was a change in tone of the argument that I was waiting for. Chris Wallace on the side of “how does it change your marriage if your gay neighbors are married?” is an indicator this is quickly diminishing as an issue.

Chris Wallace might still have a shred of journalistic integrity clinging to him, in other words I could watch him for 30 seconds and feel kind of like I’m watching a news show on TV. They sent him to do the deed. So behold the official GOP media mouthpiece throwing a former ally under the bus to get votes. The GOP is compromising and moderating, and this is how it looks.

It’s very significant, and I wonder what the dems are willing to give up? Will they turn right and sell out women, or will they turn left and go after Wall St? Because since they are on the winning side of this battle, they are losing a reason to exist.

Fox/GOP is trying to jump on the gay marriage train in the hopes it will help them in 2016. Perkins is defending his grift. Both are obvious shills and deserve exactly what they are going to get. It is interesting to watch the right/Fox try and pretend they were for it all along. They tried, they failed~so what else is new?


Good point. You know you’re on the fringe when you’re getting pushback from a Fox host.


Clearly, the GOP establishment wants to put this issue behind them. Boehner is out there supporting an openly gay GOP candidate, and The PR branch of the party (FOX) is now working to put the crazy genie back in the bottle. Good luck with that, GOP, 'cause the RWNJ’s you courted and elevated won’t go away so easily.


Oh, I looooooooooooove when these asshat hypocrites say something like “well, what about when my children go to school and they’re being taught a different set of values than the ones I teach them?”

HEY. So it’s okay for YOU to teach your bigotry to children and have your children mingle with kids from same sex couples who then risk being taught YOUR values, but the reverse, oh, no, can’t have that.

HEY, what about the fact that you’re apparently admitting you can’t teach your own children values if they can so easily be misled by a couple of little kids at school?

It’s always the same ol’ chit, different day with these bigots. My way is the only way that is right.


Gay marriage never cost conservatives anything, they just used it as a cudgel to beat people down because it once polled well. Now, that the issue is costing them (thanks, Obama), they’ll abandon it.

The GOP and conservative movement thrives on hate they can exploit, such as hatred of blacks. If they can’t make a buck or buy a vote off it, they could care less. Gay phobia was never about “family values” or “principles.”


My favorite is this one:

Gozer the Traveler. He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During
the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and
moving Torg! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the
McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant
Slor! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths
of the Slor that day, I can tell you!

You’d be surprised at how often you can use it. It’s real handy if you’re at some right wing conspiracy site and you want to respond to someone who said something that’s completely incoherent, which, on any given day, is pretty much everything.


And they chose to close their business rather than find themselves in another situation where they might have to bake a cake for yet another gay couple. Becuz Freedom!!11@q!!!q!1

Had they chosen to stay in business I’ve no doubt that they’d have become the wedding cake vendor of choice for the Portland Metro LBGT community.