Discussion: Fox Host: Obama Admin Wants To Ban Sprinkled Doughnuts, Christmas Cookies (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #231542

Rumor last year had it that Michelle Obama was responsible for the removal of chocolate milk from my 5th grader’s school cafeteria.


Yeah, coming after your guns wasn’t enough; now Obama’s going to confiscate your doughnuts… “All Your Dunkin’ Belong To Us”…




It’s unclear why “Fox and Friends” took on the FDA’s preliminary ruling on trans fat now,…

I think it’s quite obvious why, this “proves” that the Obamas hate Christmas, Jesus, all things “christian” because they’re trying to take Christmas cookies out of our childrens’ mouths! Won’t someone please think of all the little fat children!!


Bring DDT back to rice harvests! Let the market decide!


TPM enables the rightwing noise machine and all of the destruction it wreaks when they present this kind of crap.


Gotta disagree with the “if you ignore it, they’ll go away” argument. I think it’s important for all the RWNJ lunacy to be exposed to daylight for all to see and to be roundly criticized and mocked.


It’s ironic that the guy complaining about the nanny state looks like the biggest scold, according to the accompanying picture.

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“It’s unclear why Fox and Friends took on the FDA’s preliminary ruling on trans fat now, as the agency announced its intention to require the food industry to phase out trans fats more than a year ago.”

Not really “unclear.”

  1. Distraction (fits right in with your article on the subject) and
  2. They thought the addition of “xmas cookies” was a nice way to poke the “war on xmas” meme.

“If you’re making some cookies once a year with your kids on the holidays, that’ll be banned,” he added

Because of course there’s only one way to make cookies, and that’s with trans fat. Their lunacy would be amusing, if they weren’t dragging down the collective intelligence of the population with their nonsense.


What does it say about FOX viewers that their worst nightmare is losing access to sprinkles?


Oh come on…that’s not even remotely believable…I mean, obviously, if she was gong to force the removal of any milk, it would be the white kind, trying to chocolate up the childrens, amirite?


may i suggest Doughnut-Holes as a moniker,too,for these muckraking mental-midgets ?

D.Bags + A.Holes = D-Holes

:blush: :wink:

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Comment withdrawn, someone beat me to it.

The rightwing noise machine as it’s come to be called is destroying American politics as we know it and as we had hoped it would be. Criticizing and mocking is fine, but the noise machine commands a huge uninformed audience who take the noise as truth. The Democrats have no comparable access to those uninformed voters, and so we lose, again and again. There is daylight on the lunacy and some take it as gospel. But I didn’t say ignore it. It’s too insidious at this point to do that.

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Actually, it was councilwoman Mary Cheh, a white who got the chocolate milk banned.


In general I agree that ignoring things in a media environment like today’s is a pretty good way to vote against them. But maybe we should have been pointing out and laughing at all these idiotic claims over the years. At least today’s article could clearly say it’s ludicrous to claim the regulations would result in any kind of food besides the trans fats themselves not being available. Trans fats have only been around for a century or so, and workable substitutes are and always were available. Hell, any U.S. government that banned fattening pastry would be committing political suicide.


This isn’t the only outrage from Dictator Obama. He’s also announcing a new program to outlaw eating snot and drinking urine. Luckily, Rep. Louie Gohmert has already declared his intention to fight these evil restrictions on our freedom, stating, “The brave men and women who settled our country and defeated the Mexicans depended on their God-given right to eat their own boogers and drink their own piss when food and water were scarce. That’s why all of us Republicans are gathering on the Capitol steps during Dictator Obama’s State of the Union Speech to enjoy our Constitutional right to eat our snot, and we’ll be hoisting mugs of urine in celebration of our freedom. We hope all patriotic Americans will join us in our feast.”


Haha…indeed…fun fact: butter contains very little trans fat…something like 3.7g per stick (highest estimate I found with quick Googling), which is like 1/20th of a daily dose of fat in a 2000 calories diet (65g). Eggs have no trans fat. I dunno tha cookies would be all that trans fatty unless you’re using lard or bacon fat…oh wait, lard and bacon fat have no trans fat either.

Hmmmmm…are people making all their cookies with margarine nowadays? Fucking gross.