LOL…well then…I guess she saved all the childrens from being chocolated up by that nasty FLOTUS…
Fox News has now become something of an experiment in performance art, testing to see how ridiculous they can go before their core viewers will start catching on that they’re simply a twisted version of The Onion. Unfortunately, the core viewers seem to be determined NOT to catch on, so I suspect there’ll never be an end to it.
Just did some digging—things we’d recognize as modern pastry emerged in Europe in the 16th century. Crisco, the first trans fat, first became available in 1911. Cookies and doughnuts will survive this ruling. But saying they won’t provides Fox viewers with another portion of outrage porn.
Didn’t Haliburton buy Dunkin Donuts? I seem to recall that they did. If that’s the case, then i whole heartedly agree with Obama on this. Ban those suckers! Haliburton is attempting to gain mind control over the American People through donuts! Obama must stand up for the rights and minds of the American People! Down with donuts! Down with the Donut Man! Just say NO to donuts! Keep your minds and bowels free from those trans(exual) fats!
I’ve been a vegetarian for 20 years, and thus have had some pretty awful vegan confections over the years, that were trans fat free. So yeah, more hysteria, but I’d take the trans fat over applesauce sweetened baked good any day.
Outrage porn. I like that.
Because it’s not possible to make any of those things without lethal synthetic lard. Just as they’ll quit making cars if we increase milage standards, quit making electricity if we impose limits on air pollutants, quit making incandescent lightbulbs if we impose efficiency standards, and quit making anything if we limit CO2 emissions. It’s not possible to force innovation with regulations because gubbamint intervention in the doings of the Invisible Hand can only lead to disaster and can only force businesses making a product in demand to cease meeting the demand.
This is why independent voters think Republicans know more about economics than Democrats. Crackerjack A1 top of the line thinking like this right here.
Don’t you realize that it’s a vast cons-piracy to ‘ban guns/unhealthy food’ so that the dumbed-down WhiteyRighties feel compelled to ingest to the point of obesity and to compile arsenals of weapons so that they kill themselves-- one way or another???
Well, this is going in the ‘Funniest Stories on TPM - 2014’ file.
An English fellow by the name of Eric Blair wrote a charming little book explaining both the information dissemination techniques now used by Fox and the mental discipline required to consume that kind product way back in 1948.
First they came for the guns and I didn’t have a gun, so I didn’t stand up.
Then they came for the sprinkles…
Is Erick Erickson considered a trans fat?
“If you’re making some cookies once a year with your kids on the holidays, that’ll be banned,” he added.
The derpage is truly epic here. That’s downright Mo-Ronic.
“Fox and Friends” revisited the Obama administration’s healthy eating
push on Tuesday morning as host Clayton Morris warned viewers that the
Food and Drug Administration wanted to outlaw doughnuts and Christmas
It’s amazing the level of pure bullsh*t that Fox news will tolerate
538, do you suppose that this is what the idjets at Fox had in mind when they came up with “fair and balanced”?
It’s that artificially sweetened bovine excrement on Fox that should be banned, don’t you think?
Fair and balanced from a right-wing nut-job point of view, I’ll give them that.
I think the unsweetened variety shouldn’t be tolerated either.
Crisco removed transfats from their shortening over 5 years ago. My cookies taste fine.
Don’t those talking heads think about what they say? At all??
I guess we’ll just hafta come up with a whole new vocabulary to describe their derpy moronic nonsense they call “factual evidence”. It’s so bad I don’t know where to begin this time.