Gretchen, there’s a book that’s been around for quite a while that will tell you that you reap what you sow. If you devote your life to sowing hate and discontent, then sure as death and taxes at some point you are going to reap hate and discontent. Think of it as “bringing in the sheaves”.
@arrendis Well said. I admire your empathy for her. Of course there is also that old adage about sleeping with dogs…
The network dedicated to scandalous outrage discovers outrage can also be generated by truth. What a concept!
And all those messages were probably coming from the intra-company email system. But good for her to start growing again.
Took a peek behind the curtain . . . . . . and the Wizard is a fake. Now you might begin to see what we have seen all along.
I have nothing but words of encouragement for Gretchen. It might have taken her a ways to get here, but she’s here now.
I’ve had my share of Twitter “conversations” over the past few days, and in the most recent one, the guy I was speaking with blamed the victims, because they didn’t buy their own guns.
Keeping guns out of the hands of the shooter was apparently unthinkable to him, as was being able to shoot with anything approaching accuracy in a dark, noisy, crowded nightclub.
We need more people expressing opinions like Gretchen’s, and fewer people arguing the “guns everywhere” position.
" but also on the left with a segment of the Bernie supporters."
It’s not about “purity” goddamnit, it’s about corruption and crony capitalism.
Surprisingly enough, Bill O’Reilly came out for banning assault rifles, too.
Oh, no mistake, the schadenfreude is strong with this one… but I’m still waking up, so the more vicious parts of my brain haven’t fully booted yet.
Sadly, past history of Fox News opinion folk “growing a spine” usually ends within a few days with said person removing said spine.
Witness Megyn Kelly’s “stand” against Trump’s bs. It ended with a fawning interview of Trump where Megyn preened over how amazing and charismatic Trump is, while lobbing softballs a 5 year old could handle.
Yeah Gretch…the sane doesn’t run too deep in your party.
Sorry, Gretchen, but you’ve got blood on your hands too. You famously accused Ted Kennedy of being a “hostile enemy of the United States” because he didn’t support a war you loved. You have also pandered to your anti-intellectual, anti-education audience in spite of the fact you graduated from Stanford and also studied at Oxford in England. You play the dumb blonde in the most cynical, damaging way. So, welcome to the world you and Fox created. I think it’s referred to as “poetic justice”.
Apparently, the NRA is a little late with this month’s check.
Yes, it is about purity. Otherwise the vile attacks on Elizabeth Warren after the nomination was sewn up would not have happened. Warren is a more than solid progressive fighting hard to end corruption and crony capitalism, but all she had to do was engage in some recognition of the reality of current politics and she becomes an apostate establishment $hill.
It’s all about purity with the folks who ripped her.
Why now Gretchen ? ? —
( I think she’s a closet case )
This is a Follow The Money moment. Is FOX losing viewers so they need to take a highly popular public policy position that doesn’t meet ultra-conservative dogma?
Captain Carlson: I am shocked, shocked, to find that Fox News commenters are degenerate, violent loons who get deranged any time they are disagreed with.
You reap what you sow!
Decades of faux noise screeching idiotic spin about guns, now you want to be reasonable? That’s not going to fly with your audience.
What did you expect? “You go girl”? “Way to speak your mind”? “It’s about time someone spoke up”? You’ve got to remember that these are just simple republicans. These are people of the land. The common clay of the nation. You know… morons.