Discussion: Fox Host: I Was Assailed With Insults After Backing Assault Weapon Ban

wow… a 5W bulb gets turned up to 7.5W by actually advocating a reasonable position and then is SHOCKED because she isn’t met with universal admiration and respect…

stay tuned… will Billo and Hammity get in line or blast her for caving to the gun control losers…


“Maybe it’s time for more of us to start getting real and try to come together to actually get things done,” the Fox host said. (Gretchen Carlson)

Ms. Carlson, if you sincerely mean that, then I sincerely have your back. I’m a Progressive, pro-choice gay male. There are ways to move our nation forward. Thank you.


Gretchen, meet the Fox audience… That’s how they “debate”…


And I bet every one of the nasty insults came from her (former) true admirers.


Growing a spine hurts.


Too much of the current political world is about purity, 100% on the GOP side but also on the left with a segment of the Bernie supporters. Gretchen Carlson has been a solid right wing voice for years, and one change and suddenly she is an apostate.

The same happened to Jerry Brown and Elizabeth Warren on the left when they endorsed Clinton. They went from liberal lions and progressive princes to establishment $hills in a second.


you don’t say! How could this be? Ammosexuals are the most reasonable and civil people around when it comes to the topic of their metal penii. Unfair to blame all of them for the actions of a few!


I’m surprised it was just insults. I’ll bet there were death threats in that mailbag, too. These people are truly unhinged.

In fact, I think anyone who believes that he needs to own a gun (of any description) is obviously delusional, and therefore shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun. See how that works? :wink:


Be prepared for folks to start marching around your house and place of business carrying assault weapons to show you how safe they are and how their hands aren’t cold and dead yet.


Gretchen I wish I could say I feel bad for you, but I don’t. These are the people you and your Network have bred. So before you whine too much more about being attacked take a hard look in the mirror.


Has anyone checked on Roger Ailes health? Is he still living and breathing? Seems like Fox Snews Channel talking heads are starting to grow a backbone and not toeing the “party” line.

Please check on Roger Ailes, we don’t need the hazardous material clean up crew in the office.


The only reason she’s taking it so hard is because she’s bleeding from her wherever. Yours truly, Bill O’Reilly


She then noted that she’s encouraged by a handful of Republicans willing to keep people on the terror watch list from buying firearms.

That’s pretty much it right there. The keyword being “handful.” The GOP base now consists entirely of insane, rage intensified racists who won’t listen to ANYTHING that comes close to reason. The GOP establishment no longer has any clout to “try to come together to actually get things done,”


Actually, to his credit, O’Reilly also came out in favor of banning the AR-15.


Yea really! Just like I can’t feel sorry for Trump winning their primary because it’s where they have been headed for 40 years.

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Attempting to change an organization from within is the most effective. After all, the CIA does this all the time. Let us see where she goes with this.

Gretchen, I truly am sorry that you’ve been forced to see what close-minded, reactionary, vitriolic bastards many of your viewers are. Abuse and harassment for expressing a difference of sincerely-held opinion is something that no human being should be forced to endure.

I just wish this was something you, and everyone else at Fox, could have realized before bringing Hannity on board, and before merrily running to ape Rush Limbaugh’s inflammatory, hateful, abusive rhetoric in the name of enforcing the party line, and fear-mongering for the purposes of maintaining ideological purity.

That you had a hand in making these monsters, however, doesn’t mean it’s any less painful to be subjected to them. As one human being to another, I can only express my sympathy, and my sincere hope that you will not let this experience diminish your willingness to speak up on this issue, or others where your personal viewpoint can help to move the country forward, and expose your viewers to a greater diversity of opinion.


That was Trump, though, I never have seen the two in the same room at the same time.

Yep, that is exactly what she said, whether intended or not and I am not so certain she is referring to just the base.

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