Discussion: Fox Host: I Hope You Can Still Salute The Flag ‘If You’re A Muslim’

Discussion for article #235708

I love how absolutely obsessed these folks are with gesture-based patriotism litmus tests.



it burns.


This reminds me of when they were questioning Obama’s patriotism because he would go a day or two without wearing a flag pin on his lapel.

Meanwhile, Republicans would forget them twice as often without notice.


Anyone else feel like this is part of a witch hunt to get a Black woman removed from a position of authority? I remember one kid in school complaining because I did not say the Pledge when everyone else does. Personally, I don’t need a pledge to be patriotic, but since he complained so much I started saying it- in Latin.

I’m so tired of these unpatriotic fascists equating gestures with patriotism.


“What does that have to do with it?”

This from the same people who insist that the insertion of “under God” into the pledge in the 1950’s as a way of flipping the bird at “godless commies” is a reference to the Krischun god and proof that Amurikkka is a Krischun Nashun etc. etc. something something the First Amendment only applies to everyone else’s religion?


Wow, Raw Story, known for it’s journalistic slackness, out did TPM on this story.

However, Police Maj. Delrish Moss told The Miami Herald that Najiy was simply following military protocol, which states that one should “stand at attention, remain silent, and face the flag” when reciting the Pledge of Allegiance indoors.

“That’s exactly what she did,” Moss explained. “The Honor Guard follows U.S. military code. She was following U.S. military code. It had nothing to do with personal beliefs.”


Brian is a former sportscaster. Not a job that requires much brain power.


See also: the speculation that Obama could be an America-hating Muslim because he gave his wife a “terrorist fist jab.”


These idiots really don’t have anything important to occupy their pea-brains.


Was that an SNL skit? Please … ? Tell me I didn’t actually just watch grown people on a television “news” network just say those words out loud …


When I see a photo of these three sitting on their couch talking, I see the absolute epitome of the phrase “the dumbing down of America.”


The right wing has always been obsessed with symbolism. Not that lefties aren’t into symbolism. They are, but not so much.

When one lacks practical, reasonable answers to the myriad problems this
country is facing, from a continued economic debacle to ongoing civil
liberties abuses at home and abroad to who Carly Simon’s singing about
in “You’re So Vain”, the only thing left to do is turn to symbolism.

The danger this poses to a functioning democracy are clear - it turns
policy into public relations. Back in the late 1970s, neo-conservative
godfather Irving Kristol admitted as much about supply-side economics.
It was just a symbolic ploy to win over voters, or as he put it in
Public Interest in 1995, “The task, as I saw it, was to create a new
majority, which evidently would mean a conservative majority, which came
to mean, in turn, a Republican majority - so political effectiveness
was the priority, not the accounting deficiencies of government.”


Similarly, political effectiveness is the point here, not fidelity to one’s country.


There’s nothing quite as refreshing as watching examples of such stellar intelligence taking proven facts and actions and then discussing them in a rational manner and coming to a conclusion based on the actual evidence.

At least Fox News does have one thing correct … they deal in entertainment, not news. (of course the level of that “entertainment” is slightly suspect)

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What douchebags! Maybe they should go to a military cemetery with the remains of soldiers who have died in our wars in the last 25 years and see how many Muslims gave the ultimate salute to the American flag.

And this on the day the NYTimes reveals that a Muslim— Michael D’Andrea— was running the CIA"s drone program for the past few years. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/27/us/politics/proposed-amendments-imperil-measure-on-iran.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

I wonder if anyone on Fox has killed as many Muslims as Michael D’Andrea. Not that that means anything, but I guess it would to those morons.


These saps are beyond stupid…so by osmosis their viewers are even more ignorant than they are…Oh the stupid does run deep!


Two Dumb-Fucks and the Bimbo that agrees with everything they say (like a “Real American Woman” should.)

Thankfully the televised portion of this commentary ended before Hasselbeck and Kilmeade flung poo at the studio camera and masturbated through their cage bars.


Regular Latin or Pig Latin?

Of course you can, duh. The question is only confusing in upside down Fox land, where “religious freedom” means what straight, white Christians impose on other people.

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