I would suggest that this idiot talking head take a journey to France and walk thru the grave yard above OMAHA BEACH. Among the markers there are Stars of David. Which means soldiers in the American Army are of many faiths (see image below). Of course this epically mentally deficient talking head on Fox thinks one can be an American if one is a fundamentalist Christian, tin foil hat wearin’ goofball.
Classical Latin. I took Latin in High School, and then French, Spanish and German in college.
These people kill me with their outrage of the day and speculation about things that don’t require speculation. How about simply asking her why she doesn’t put her hand over her heart? No, it’s better to to speculate that she’s a 'Murica-hating, secret Muslim plotting against her country.
Not surprising that Fox & Friends had no idea what they were talking about. On the other hand, I always get a little queasy when I hear about a domestic police force following ANY military protocols.
I was also wondering when holding your hand over your chest became an official salute for anything, save perhaps Roman Legionary reenactments?
According to the Flag Code, the Pledge "should be rendered by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. When not in uniform, men should remove any non-religious headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart.
So it’s only for men… when not in uniform… wearing a hat… yeah, that makes a lot of sense. What about baseball… does that count as a uniform, or is it only for official military uniforms? And why do women get off light? Now I see what Fox & Friends was really getting at. Not the battle against Muslims, but the even more pernicious Battle against Men!
The Pledge of Allegiance is creepy and needs to be disappear into the dustbin of WWII & Cold War history.
That’s Fox … always hot on the tail of a really really important “news” story.
If Brian Kilmeade’s IQ drops one more point, someone will have to water him twice a week.
I thought about going on a hunger strike in an appeal to end stupidity on Fox.
Then I realized I would die.
I was just about to say the exact same thing.
Yeah, but how would they have weeded out the secret Nazi, Jap, and Commie spies? You know they’re physiologically unable to say the pledge… it’s a dead giveaway.
Have you ever heard three people have a dumber conversation? The level of ignorance at Fox never ceases to amaze me.
What makes you think this isn’t already the case? Would you trust Brian Kilmeade alone in a room with a tub of water?
A talking walking plant would certainly be a “news worthy” story for Fox
“The fraternal order of police president suggests this could have been a religious decision,”
“He has suggested that perhaps she is a Muslim.
That is not known.”
~Steve Doocy
“I have here in my hand a list of two hundred and five people that were known to the Secretary of State
as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping
the policy of the State Department.”
~Joseph R. McCarthy
The song remains the same…
I wouldn’t trust Kilmeade if he were sitting in an outhouse wearing a muzzle.
“but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.” US Constitution - Article VI
Waving the flag while pissing on the Constitution is a time honored conservative tradition. They loves ‘em some good ol’ fashioned nationalism.
Thank you so much for this imagery!
I am of the opinion that Ted Cruz is Joe McCarthy reincarnated. They have an uncanny and striking resemblance.
I watched part of the video. Therewas a fat guy in a tan suit a few places to the police chief’s left who had his hand on his heart but he can be seen dropping his hand to his side. Why isn’t anyone pissed at him?? Oh yeaaah, he’s white.