There are a number of sites, Darr. Stockvault / Google Images / Unprofound / Morguefile / Flickr …and I have been known to photoshop a few. There are so many good sites and often they target exactly the mood or the subject of the thread.
Sometime a picture does substitute for 1,000 words.
Ain’t that the truth!
(hat tip)
Im with ‘Informed’. TPM “writes” these brainless articles about Tantoros on a weekly basis. They are just clickbait, have no real worth, purpose, depth. The huffingtonization of TPM continues unabated.
Seems to me somebody at TPM is enduring time spent watching Fox so we don’t have to.
Ummm, she says it to get clicks and attention, and TPM prints it to get clicks and attention. I stopped clicking on Sarah stories, Beck stories, etc. But for curiosity I “stopped in” to see what the comments would be for this moron. And sure enough almost everyone’s comment is “why is this on here” type stuff. Well,it’s on here because we all click on it. If no one clicked, they would not post it. It’s not news, it’s a talking head getting ratings.
This stuff gets monitored. The first time a story is posted on a subject like this is a test. If everyone clicks and comments, they know to run such stories. Want to stop it? Stop clicking, and tell everyone else to. If not, it will be here and you are welcome to click if you feel so inclined.
I’m sorry to hear that.
Tantaros is so full of crap, that whenever you see a brown ring around
her neck, it just mean she’s down a quart. More idiocy comes out of
this woman’s mouth than a football stadium full of Texas Republican
politicians. She is to stupid as black is to night.
I think they would be more ’ believable ’ if they wore pant-suits . ( They look like cackling hens around the guilotine ) .
Yeah but lookit all the legs.