Discussion: Fox Host: Hillary Clinton Is 'The Most Corrupt Woman' In World History (VIDEO)

Andrea sucks Roger Ailes’ shriveled cock with that mouth.

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Even more than Eve, if not for whom the purity of maleness would have gone unsullied in the eyes of the Lord? Hillary’s worse than the original sinner from whom all mankind is born in sin? Whuyyyyy, that goes agin’ the word of God Almighty! Shall we gather the community together to stone her?

While her laughable idiocy concerning Sec. Clinton is obviously desperately idiotic, Tantaros could actually compete, and strongly, for the title of Most Stupid Woman Pundit In World History. (*Could just leave out ‘Pundit’!)

Does the stupid run any deeper than this woman? “History of the World”??? How…this woman’s knowledge of history must have started at 5/20/2015…What an ignoramus.

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“A Pew Research Center survey released Tuesday found that 57 percent of registered Republican and Republican-leaning voters have a good impression of the 2016 GOP field”

57% of registered Republicans have a good impression of a slew of thoroughly unelectable-on-a-national-level candidates? I think the only thing that poll says is they’re even more out of touch with reality than they were in 2012 when they thought Romney was going to win even after their own network had called his loss.

And yes, please Mitt Romney continue taking your shirt off!*

*Please don’t.

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Goebbels, I think

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One can only imagine the depravity of minds in the back room at Fox that goes into the planning of these shows - or whatever the hell they call them.

Some days all they have is stupid shit, especially when they focus on the RNC channel.

They would have to look ignoramus up…

These people give bimbos a bad name.


Fox News’ Andrea Tantaros on Wednesday declared Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton the “most corrupt woman in the history of the world.”

I hate to paint with a broad brush, but it appears, day in and day out, that there isn’t a single Republican in this country in possession of a sense of perspective.

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Fox News where old white men go to get their daily hate fix. Either way people who watch Fox News already hate Hillary and aren’t going to change their mind.


Exactly. They are convincing no one at all with their vapid flapping of jaws.

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I don’t know. The guy in SC with diabetes changed his mind about the Republican Party and health care in America, even going so far as to say we should have universal health care, that it’s our right.

Was nice to see he took the comments directed to him at the funding site to heart.


Someone, (all FoxNews Personnel), needs to take a refresher history class and an investigative journalism class, post haste.

Unfortunately they are convincing my mother and sister.

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Imelda Marcos.

I win.

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Sniffit, here’s my take on Andrea:

Obviously the woman has never taken a look at history. If she did she might run into Katrine the Great of the Russian Empire. Or Cleopatra, or so many others. But expecting Ms Tantaros to think would be well beyond any realm of possibility.

Sherlock, I gotta ask…where do you find such appropro images? Do you create them as needed?

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Well I must say that " most corrupt" trumps “most stupid” every time, so sorry Andrea, but you lose.