Discussion: Fox Host: Hillary Clinton Is 'The Most Corrupt Woman' In World History (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #236579

TPM, could you please stop reporting on the stupid things said by this stupid person? At some point, a stupid person demonstrating his or her stupidity is no longer news worthy.


Actually, every woman on FOX is more corrupt than Secretary Clinton. In all honesty, they sold their souls for fame and money and all so they can repress their fellow women while getting “praise” from men.


I believe the word your looking for is “prostitutes”.


Jesus in a speedo…does this woman eat Shroomios for breakfast?

BTW, TPM, please, if you’re going to post these articles: don’t give away that it’s Tantaros or Lemon or whoever in the little blurbs in the link…it’s far too much fun guessing to see if we can figure out which one said the stupid shit this time.


I’m convinced TPM reports the stupid things she says as link bait. Just like they do with Caribou Barbie.

Just stop.


The ignorance on display at Fox is mind numbing, but then remember what Hitler said about lying. If your going to lie tell a big one. Fox hearted at the foot of their mentor.

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I have a difficult time believing FOX Entertainment actually pays this person – she’s so unbelievable. Do they pay her in currency or does she do this gig just to see her face on TV and hear herself jabber on about issues and topics obviously over and above her level of understanding. Mr. Ailes, is really that good with her tongue? – Why else is she there? I mean, even Hasselbeck comes off as a little believable … you know, in that she believes what she’s saying. With Tantaros, she’s just throwing wet noodles around.

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Yes, obviously…much worse than Bloody Mary and all that…good show, lass…


Who cares? It’s fun!

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Coming from one of the most corrupted mouths in fake news this is pretty much not noteworthy!

Pot meets kettle.


Her again?

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At least she’s a brunette…


This is not news.

Proving that vapid, mean, stupidity has no hair color preference.


They really need to pace themselves. At the rate the Fox talking heads are burning through the available options for escalating the vilification level, they’re going to reach “baby sacrificing Satanic priestess” and “mass murdering cannibal” way, way before next November.


Please stop putting up articles about what this moron/self-promoter has to say on ANY subject.
Every time she opens her mouth nothing but shit comes out so just stop it.

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"If a tree falls in a forest…

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Andrea Tantaros: the stupidest woman in world history to infinity and beyond…

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