“Dogged in” ?
Is that a thing, or is it “Dug in”, “Dugged in” or something ?
EDIT: It is a thing , sorry
“I understand all your points about credibility. I understand all the things about undermining his veracity. He is a flawed, flawed witness“
So…Is that Jordan being taken to task? Maybe Wallace pushes these clowns but BB ain’t him.
Wow, they can’t even look good on Faux News. Maybe he did not push Cohen about what Trump did because he knows he can’t go there. The walls are closing in around Spanky but some of his toadies just can’t let go of their sucking up. At this point, I don’t see what they have to gain unless it is suppression of evidence to protect themselves.
Gym Jordan was day dreaming and fantasizing about sweaty teen wrestlers. He could not think clearly enough.
OT, but why does Jim Jordan not wear a suit coat? Is he trying to project the image that he is ‘working real hard,’ so he has his coat off and his sleeves rolled up? Wonder if he was one of the ones freaking out when Obama didn’t wear a jacket in the Oval Office.
He was dogged in asking his questions. Just like saying someone is dogged in his pursuit of the truth. I don’t see a problem with it, grammatically anyhow.
There you go. Proven proof that nothing new was said because no prosecutor would have allowed it.
You people are using your brains unnecessarily.
Maybe he went with “dogged” to get Trump’s attention because for some crazy reason, Donnie refers to dogs all the time.
just my bad English/American, I learn something new each day.
The spectacle is pathetic, the intellectual rigor lacking.
Jordan never even wrestled with the idea of doing the right thing, and he does have a history of overlooking abuses. His behavior was hardly surprising.
Jordan is such a lightweight I’m surprised he didn’t float out of the room.
Jordan didn’t have an issue with lying when it was he himself denying the sexually abused wrestler’s claims and throwing those victims under the bus.
Jordan insisted that there’s no “new news” in the Cohen testimony.
Exactly! Jordan has nothing to learn about the Dotard boss’s criminal behavior, and as a lackey congress critter, it is his job to deflect and protect.
Yes we really haven’t seen where all those Oligarch Rubles distributed by the NRA went have we…
Is it me or have Wayne Lapierre and the NRA been maintaining a low profile (radio silence) for the last little while.
We think not.
Maybe Mr. Mueller or the SDNY has been conducting some interviews
Yeah that’s a funny one especially if you’re not a native speaker, pronounced dog-gehd. An adjective, meaning “persistent”.
I love the smell of Insurance Fraud in the morning
The Rethugs were pathetic. Pointing out endlessly that Cohen lied, was a criminal, and going to jail. You would have thought we had the attention span of tRump. Repeating the same thing over and over is not a way to enlighten anyone and besides, how many questions about tRump did you have. That was the point, stupids.