Discussion for article #233847
Talk loudly and carry a bottle of blue pills.
Just wondering – is there a medical term for whatever damage is caused to the body by keeping legs tightly clamped together many hours a day because you are required to wear short dresses in front of a camera?
Repetitive Dress Injury.
And possibly, Deeply Vain Thrombosis.
The Fox demographic loves to see women in short dresses and nice legs gasp.
Captain Mook then grabbed Tantaros by the chin and shook her head while telling her she’s a “sweet little tart” who should “get me summa dat capicol’ and prosciut’ from the fridge…and don’t forget a beer while you’re at it, toots.” She promptly left on her errand with moist panties. Returning to focus on the issue at hand, he licked both his palms and smoothed back his pompadour before telling Kennedy to “sit on my lap and gimme summa dem warm Irish farts…my ballz is gettin’ cold.”
What fucking planet do these fucking idiots think they’re on?
If Charles Gasparino is going to complain about the “pussification” of men…maybe he should, you know, try dressing more masculine, sitting more masculine and stop using words like “pussification”.
He sounds like every other bottom at a gay bar. “Where are the STUDS??”
So… a man cannot speak to others respectfully and still be masculine? Good to know.
wtf with the primary color dresses plus the black one, and the pussy in the middle
Doubt he goes in the bar. Probably drives up and down the street at closing time.
Thanks again, women of Fox, for proving you can’t deal with anything resembling reality without getting the vapors. Barbara Walters wept.
WHite MEn are PUSSies. THat IS wHY we arE oPresseD and BLAcks and HispanioliOS have it so GOOD.
That’s pretty damned funny, Gaspy, considering that every FoxNews host and personality is too much of a pussy to debate any issue outside of the FoxNews Fortress of Dementia. And I predict once Rupert Murdoch dies his deserved death, Kennedy (an MTV veejay, Mr. Ailes? Seriously, sir? Seriously?! What next, Downtown Julie Brown hosting a show about foreign policy? Sounds like a plan!) and Andrea Tantaros (who has the intelligence of wallboard) will be doing web remakes of “Two Girls and a Cup”, with Roger Ailes providing the contents of the cup. And don’t even ask me what that pervert Bill O’Reilly will be doing with those loofahs and falafels!
Gasparino is a parody of guys like, well, like Gasparino. Consider his twitter spat with another business talking head: http://www.businessinsider.com/gasparino-and-insana-fight-on-twitter-2014-11
Could be Vanity Fair Leg Mash Syndrome
I’ve been saying it for months now: The only thing the Reich-Wingers have left in their arsenal is: Rank Racism and Sexism.
That’s it. There are no more ideas. It’s “Back to the 1950’s!!!” or bust.
(lets just ignore the fact that in the “1950’s” the top tax rate was 91%, Union membership was at an all-time high, and High American wages resulted in the lowest financial inequality in ten generations.)
Has anyone noticed that women, in general, don’t use a term like “penisification” to describe themselves when they are being bold or assertive?
Case in point.
What do you expect. He just came from a 50 Shades of Gray screening and presumes, because they work for Fox, the women on the couch are all submissives.