Discussion for article #228934
I was thinking it would be like one of the many polls they’ve had where the numbers totalled more than 100%.
…and, I seriously doubt that 35% of FOX viewers are that objective.
They were going to Hell in a Bucket about three decades ago…
The “greater-threat” poll is just a way for Fox to assess how to balance their programming. Clearly they are under-selling the ebola threat and need to beef that up.
What DOes AMerica NEED?
58% - A sHOT in the Arm
35% - NotHINg. I’m HAppy AS A clam
27% - WILD and WOolly
18% The JUry IS Still OUT
DO the MATH LIbtards!!!1!11one!!!11!!1
Yet, TPM includes FOX News polls in its poll tracker.
What? A Fox poll asking about the greatest threat to US citizens and Obama (or Obola as he so fondly known to the right wing) is NOT a choice! Well, hell has frozen over!
The Fascist News Network says what?
It’s sad that Fox has so many people terrified of a disease that’s less of a threat than measles*, and a ragtag army of amateur soliders over ten thousand miles away.
They’re coming for your freedom! Run and hide!
*Far less communicable than measles and whooping cough, both of which are on the uptick thanks to the anti-vaccine movement.
When you’re convinced that you’re worse off than the people starving in North Korea, that’s the kinda results you get.
Fox News Poll: Are You Informed By Chicken Little?
NO - 0%
YES - 100%
Fox News Poll: Is Your Head Buried Up The Backside Of A Judas Goat?
NO - 0%
YES - 100%
The next Fox News poll results:
What Are Your Thoughts On Kids Today?
0% - The Kids Are Alright
100% - Get Off My Lawn!!
It could be the dual (and completely disparate) threats of Ebola and the Islamic State.
They’re not disparate! ISIS is just another name for Ebola! Freak out, ya’ll!
No. You are interpreting it wrong.
To a typical FOX News viewer the poll was read this way:
What is the greatest threat to U.S. Citizens:
- ISIS (crossing the Mexican border as we SPEAK!)
- EBOLA (that is the same as OBAMA right?)
- EQUALITY (damn Queers)
So, 50% fear ISIS, 27% Fear OBOLA, and 18% Fear EQUALITY.
There fixed it for you.
Perfect poll to tease out how the reactionaries feel about things. They even got the depression era phraseology just right.
The average age of Fox News viewers is 68 (http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/01/half-of-fox-news-viewers-are-68-and-older/283385/).
Now, plenty of people 68 and older are awesome, are aging gracefully, and have managed to keep their wits about them in a changing world. But some, especially those who fret that their children call them less frequently and that no one cares what their opinions or life experiences are, find themselves growing more bitter, hostile, and nostalgic as they edge closer to the grave. And they are the ones who watch Fox.
Sounds like a perfect poll for the FOX demographic. Old, white and afraid of everything.
Fox News … the veritable definition of “peckerwood”.
Here’s a quiz I’d like to see
Those darn kids should
Get off my lawn!
Stop listening to that rap music, like Poopy Pants and Enema Man.
Show some respect.
See fox viewers it’s as easy as clap on clap off or sliding on that clean pair of depends.