Discussion: Fox Asks Ridiculous Poll Question To Show Majority Thinks World Is Going 'To Hell In A Handbasket'

But at least I’m enjoyin’ the ride.


Not every old white person is a prisoner of Fox News. Me for example. I’m not living my life in a hazmat suit in front of a droning TV watching Sheppard Smith or Sean Hannity.


Number of Americans killed by ISIS in 2014: 2
Number of Americans killed by ebola in 2014: 1
Number of Americans killed by handguns in 2014: 32,000 (low estimate)


What?!?!?!? Only 58%? It seems that Fox is slipping.

This seems like the perfect forum for one of my favorite “pre-Faux Snooze” tunes!

Does anyone have any questions?

Cartoon Network?

Tomorrow’s poll…How fucked up is the world?

  1. not at all
  2. somewhat
  3. a great deal
  4. to a fare-the-well

I’m old, white (pink actually) and not afraid of a damn thing.

But I does hates me some generalizations…

You left out

  1. Squirellzz. Run for yer lives!!1wWqw@!1q1!!1
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Where was “None of the above” for a response to “Greatest Threat?”

I was going to post that this is very consistent with the results you would get asking any group of cranky old white people what they think about almost anything. And, I am an old white guy.

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If Fox’s world is going to hell in a handbasket, that is excellent news for the sane world.

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Who is this Equal and what’s in his handbasket!?!?
Thank God the FOX men are experts at looking at baskets!

And bless their hearts, they think that “alright” is a word.

Greater threat to U. S. Citizens:
50% ISIS

They’re slipping. No one called the President the greatest threat, as is usual for the Fox Not Really News demographic

For the “greatest threat to the US” question, I think they meant to spell 'Equality" – not “Equal”.

At least that’s what they think.

  1. not fucked up enough.
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The REAL threat to FOX is when Americans no longer feel any Ebola threat.

They will just run back towards “BENGHAZI!!!”

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So like 2 Americans killed by ISIS and 2 more from Ebola. Clearly I should be shitting my pants.