But at least I’m enjoyin’ the ride.
Not every old white person is a prisoner of Fox News. Me for example. I’m not living my life in a hazmat suit in front of a droning TV watching Sheppard Smith or Sean Hannity.
Number of Americans killed by ISIS in 2014: 2
Number of Americans killed by ebola in 2014: 1
Number of Americans killed by handguns in 2014: 32,000 (low estimate)
What?!?!?!? Only 58%? It seems that Fox is slipping.
This seems like the perfect forum for one of my favorite “pre-Faux Snooze” tunes!
Does anyone have any questions?
Cartoon Network?
Tomorrow’s poll…How fucked up is the world?
- not at all
- somewhat
- a great deal
- to a fare-the-well
I’m old, white (pink actually) and not afraid of a damn thing.
But I does hates me some generalizations…
You left out
- Squirellzz. Run for yer lives!!1wWqw@!1q1!!1
Where was “None of the above” for a response to “Greatest Threat?”
I was going to post that this is very consistent with the results you would get asking any group of cranky old white people what they think about almost anything. And, I am an old white guy.
If Fox’s world is going to hell in a handbasket, that is excellent news for the sane world.
Who is this Equal and what’s in his handbasket!?!?
Thank God the FOX men are experts at looking at baskets!
And bless their hearts, they think that “alright” is a word.
Greater threat to U. S. Citizens:
50% ISIS
They’re slipping. No one called the President the greatest threat, as is usual for the Fox Not Really News demographic
For the “greatest threat to the US” question, I think they meant to spell 'Equality" – not “Equal”.
At least that’s what they think.
- not fucked up enough.
The REAL threat to FOX is when Americans no longer feel any Ebola threat.
They will just run back towards “BENGHAZI!!!”
So like 2 Americans killed by ISIS and 2 more from Ebola. Clearly I should be shitting my pants.