Discussion: Fox Analyst: Giuliani's 'Divisive' Obama Remark 'Invites All Kinds Of Racial Tension'

Discussion for article #233505

Obama was right, they do talk about him like a dog


Mr. Watters sure did bring a lot of straw to the show. None of what he threw out there had any racial overtones–or undertones–to them. Guiliani blew dog whistles. Thank you, Mr. Williams for calling him out.


Doesn’t count!!! A brown guy said it!!! It’s gotta be a white person calling it racist or it’s just more race baiting and motivated by a desire for reparations!!!


What’s the thing about Romney murdering someone?


Yeah, let’s spread that rumor!


“This doesn’t have anything to do with race,” Watters said. “I know you’ve condemned things the right has said about the left and vice versa, but I remember a long time ago – actually, it was just a few years ago – when the Obama campaign arm said that Romney murdered a woman with cancer.”

It takes years of training to spout such a combination of lies, obfuscation, and illogic in just two sentences. You’ve learned well from the Master, Grasshopper Watters.

And Gutfeld’s not funny, even for a right-wing comedian.


Juan sold his soul to the devil and the devil has come for his due.


I didn’t watch this, but just reading this part, this sounds like The Rocky Horror Show.

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“No one introduced the race card until you just did,” Watters said to Williams.

Apparently racist dog whistles only work with the rednecks and yokels of the GOP, not O’Reilly Factor correspondents.


Jesse Watters? Seriously? This is how far Fox is dredging the base?

The Jesse Watters who stalks reporters?


Lord knows that Watters insane rantings don’t deserve any serious responses, but here goes anyway:

“the Obama campaign arm said that Romney murdered a woman with cancer”

Priorities USA ran an ad featuring a worker who had been laid off and lost his health insurance when Bain Capital’s vulture capitalism closed down the plant he worked at. His wife became sick with cancer and died. He didn’t accuse Romney of “murder”, but he did point out the human consequences of the kind of job destruction Bain engaged in, and he said “I do not think Mitt Romney realizes what he’s done to anyone, and furthermore I do not think Mitt Romney is concerned.”

“The left made a movie glamorizing the assassination of George W. Bush!”

“The left” didn’t make any such movie. A well-regarded British director, Gabriel Range, did make a film called “Death of a President”. It was a mockumentary that explored what the consequences would be if Bush were to be assassinated. It got mixed reviews - some good, some bad - but was widely denounced by Democratic politicians in the US.

“The Republicans were called hostage-takers during the debt ceiling crisis!”

Well, that part is true.

But the person calling them that was Mitch McConnell: “I think some of our members may have thought the default issue was a hostage you might take a chance at shooting,” he said. “Most of us didn’t think that. What we did learn is this — it’s a hostage that’s worth ransoming."


Giuliani married his second cousin then engineered an annulment from the priest who was his best man on the grounds, strangely enough, that she was his cousin Donna Hanover, the mother of his two children, who found out he wanted a separation when he left Gracie Mansion one morning and announced it at a televised press conference.Rudy may have forgotten the half-dozen deferments he won ducking the Vietnam War, even getting the federal judge he was clerking for to write a letter creating a special exemption for him.Harold Giuliani, (his father) who did time in Sing Sing for holding up a Harlem milkman and was the bat-wielding enforcer for the loan-sharking operation run out of a Brooklyn bar owned by Rudy’s uncle.

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There is eternal life on the Internet for all rumors, so try this. It has to do with Bain closing a plant and a man losing health insurance.


This conversation on Fox was one of the stupidest I’ve ever read about even for Fox talkers, and we can be grateful they didn’t call out Josh Brolin for playing bush in a really bad movie.

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Williams was fired by entirely respectable PBS for making anti-Muslim remarks on Fox about Muslims on planes in Muslim garb

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Watters lies like his boss.

The Bush assassination movie was made by the British. They may have been lefties, but they weren’t American lefties. An “Obama campaign arm” said that Romney murdered a woman with cancer? Jesse, do you even know who it was that said that? Was that “campaign arm” an ex-mayor of a major city that actually works for FOX?" Final question. How are the Republicans not “hostage takers” when they hold our national credit rating hostage for political purposes?


"The left made a movie glamorizing the assassination of George W. Bush! "

The “left” did that? ALL of the “left”, or just one filmmaker? So. . . if someone on the right talks about killing the President, then all of the right is culpable?

“The Republicans were called hostage-takers during the debt ceiling crisis! Now all of the sudden everyone’s upset because someone questions the president’s patriotism?”

Look, this is a bad game to play, it’s not taking the high road. “They did something bad, so therefore we can do something bad” is just childish. It’s like you’re saying “they are hypocrites” while ignoring that your logic defines you as a hypocrite too.

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That rumor seems way over the top to me. No thanks.

oh good…the old “But mom he said…whaaaa whaaa” defense…

I guess when that’s all yah got…

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