Discussion: Fox Analyst: Giuliani's 'Divisive' Obama Remark 'Invites All Kinds Of Racial Tension'

If Juan Williams had any integrity left, he would quit Fox News.

But he doesn’t.


Giuliani wasn’t the first to say any of these things. $arah Palin and others questioned Obama’s love for America because he wouldn’t jump on the exceptionalism bandwagon, numerous wingnuts questioned his citizenship and his different-ness as inappropriate for the office of President.

" “Perhaps when he said ‘America,’ he meant the actress America Ferrara,” Gutfeld said "
Be ready for a defamation suit .

Juan Williams makes young black journalists think twice.

The reaction to Giuliani’s idiotic comments has be pretty strong. Hopefully this will be his undoing. I am getting sick of seeing his face.

I’m as white as can be, and I am personally offended by Giuliani’s comments. I voted for Obama twice. When Giuliani questions Obama’s love of country, he is, by extension, questioning mine. F him.


Juan Williams was all about the “screw you, NPR,” when they canned him for moonlighting at Fox, but he increasingly reminds me of the character in the short story “Man Without a Country.”


“Fox News analyst Juan Williams said on Friday that former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s accusation that President Obama doesn’t love America was “wrong-headed” and could stoke racial discord.”

Juan, nobody at your place of employment is gonna believe you. Neither will your audience. You have sold out to the dark side, Juan.

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Max, Rudy cannot think at that level of complexity. And he conveniently forgets Obama’s track record. Rudy cannot see his party for what it is. And he cannot see how his pronouncements have put all of the GOP 2016 contenders in a spot of bother because now they too must respond to what he has said.
Rudy keeps digging and that shows he just ain’t too bright.

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And more food stamps.

“But gosh, so difference is not allowed?”

My dear token liberal of color, oh noble exception-that-proves-the-rule, you seem smart enough to know that there’s no tolerance for difference among fascists. Do you really think you’re there because they delight in, or even tolerate, differences? You’re an integral part of the business model.

Perhaps your confusion is rooted in an understandable difficulty coping with the fact that yes, you are working for and among an absolute hornet’s nest of fascists, and indeed, regardless of the words you express…which in this case will be written off by your audience as the black guy playing the race card again right on cue …you are nothing more than their tool.

Despite your best intentions, you’re a tool to reaffirm the “darkest” recesses of the twisted misanthropic superstitious paranoid psyche of the Republican rank-and-file, and to thereby cement their political determination to vote against their own economic interests. I can understand how that could be hard to accept.

A man’s gotta make a buck somehow, I suppose.

However, I fully expect the likes of Ben Carson to show up on Morning Joke and point out how Fox News encourages a diversity of opinion based on their employment of Williams, unlike that “liberal” network. That of course will be punctuated by Mark Halperin calling the President a “dick” and the Blonde Bobblehead telling us how much she loves Koch.

Haven’t seen token dark-skinned (neo)liberal DLC Third Wayer Harold Ford on Morning Joke lately – not that I watch on any but the most taxing of circumstances. He’s right wing bait through and through.

Of course. How can it be murder when Romney made money off the deal? That’s what we call “the American Way.” FREEDUMB!!!

It will get worse for Juancito as he gets closer and closer to hanging up his spikes on the FOX team.

I steer clear of TV in the morning except to see what the local weather is. I save my political intrigues for later in the day (generally) when I’ve had coffee and finished reading our local newspaper (yeah, I know, reading actual newsprint is so archaic). I try to limit my derp intake from the dark side as anger requires a good deal of energy. The reaction of the various GOP contenders leaves much to be desired. Not one has had the courage to point their finger at Rudy and let loose gales of laughter in his general direction. They all seem to offer Rudy way too much importance.

Rudy’s comments could make us all believe that his family of Italian Americans are actually related to the late fascist Italian dictator Benito Mussolini and that Rudy should be deported…

Actually anytime any right wing freak disparages the President, they are by extension disparaging ALL of us who voted for this President…and as such I’d like to defend my honor, I wonder if Rudy would be up for a duel??? The choice of weapon would be a large pillow…

Gutfeld has the intellect and humor of a 13 year old boy…

Why have Williams on if your object is only to dispel his point? That is why obviously, let him bring it up as a black man, and them tear it down as white men in the same boat as Giuliani.
They are trying to diffuse the situation before it goes any further. Of course not realizing that they are in the same bed and under the same covers as Giuliani by backing him.

They are white and Williams is not and there is tension between them, point proved and scored.

Giuliani had two things going for him:

  1. He was the Mayor of NY when 9-11 struck; and
  2. Unlike the then President, he didn’t publicly brown his drawers right after the attacks.
    Since then, it’s been all downhill for Giuliani.

Rudy’s response to those attacks was "Noun, verb, 9/11’ for the 14 years since. For him to say that Obama doesn’t love America “because he wasn’t raised like the rest of us.” is about as hateful and low brow a comment as one could come up with minus expletives. Even after the blow back Rudy doubled down…deliberately. He’s behaving like a clueless maroon. The upside as I have stated is it puts the rest of the GOP clown car in a spot of bother. I’m surprised that someone with a working brain hasn’t 'splained the result of his action to him. This is truly a pop corn moment.

“The left made a movie glamorizing the assassination of George W. Bush!”

That was the British. British people made that film.

It was for British tv - but also had limited European tv and a small U.S. theater release before going to DVD and online. But it’s a British production.
Also, it was derided by many so-called lefties in America including Hillary Clinton who publicly called the concept ‘despicable and outrageous’.

And it didn’t ‘glamorize’ anything. It was a political-thriller alternate-history docu-drama. Just because something is portrayed doesn’t mean it’s ‘glamorized’ - though I do get how fame-whore rightwigners could be confused.

But can we please stop letting them use that film as a dig at the American Left.

Edit: Should’ve read more comments before posting because commenter ‘terje’ noted the film facts - and refuted other bs claims point-by-point - pretty well long before I came along.