Discussion: Former Trump Adviser Pleads Guilty To Making False Statements To FBI

Would a Snickers™ bar help?


Yeah, the only ‘head fake’ might be that the rumor on Friday was ‘first indictments issued’ and ‘first arrests on Monday’ when they already had an indictment, arrest and a guilty plea 3 months ago.

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trump said about the Manafort indictment that it wasn’t his problem. He cannot say the same about Papadopolos pleading guilty to lying to the FBI. This guy was the assistant National Security Advisor and not someone trump hardly knew. This is not a throw away story. This links trump to an active conspiracy and collusion.
In a visual it’s kinda like this fan and the liquid poo is on the way…

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Whose this “professor” person? and was the female russian national said the be putins niece… the same one jr met with @ trump tower?

This shit is great…


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As I’ve been reading through the Papado plea, it seems to implicate the following people: Sam Clovis, Jeff Sessions, Rick Dearborn (Sessions former CoS), Paul Manafort, Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Trump himself.


This is BIG REAL NEWS, Trump!

It’s funny, no “ FAKE NEWS” counter tweets from you today! Truly AWESOME :clap:!

Hell, devils are laughing!

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Is it too much to hope, Nunes goes down in this investigation too? And maybe the Turtle, and Paul rAynd get Russia crap sprayed on them too? I mean the Turtle had to know about some of it, the dossier was commissioned by Republicans first and didn’t the FBI or CIA give a briefing last June?

I know I shouldn’t get my hopes up, I’m absolutely f*ck1ng giddy, too much for a Monday morning.


In classical Romain times?? Making Caesar salad?


As I’ve been reading through the Papado plea, it seems to implicate the following people: Sam Clovis, Jeff Sessions, Rick Dearborn (Sessions former CoS), Paul Manafort, Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Trump himself.

And the BBC reports Session and Donald have lunch together today. I wonder what they will talk about ?

Not sure Sam Clovis has the stomach for prison…

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The Daily Beast fleshes out the story a bit more. Clearly Papadopoulos was encouraged to pursue russian leads by his trump campaign supervisor (whoever that was):


Sarah sanders has a tough day ahead of her spinning this pile of festering goo.

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I think, he meant “Praetorian Chef”…

“Catfishing” ? I learn something new each day at TPM…

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No comment necessary.


I dunno. If he went on a hunger strike while incarcerated, it could last decades.


No collusion? So Hillary’s in the clear? Good.

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From Josh’s editorial:

But in revealing the Manafort news early, giving time for the White House to respond as you’d expect (nothing to do with us or Russia or the campaign) and then following up by revealing this Papadopolous indictment certainly has the feel of sucker punching the White House.

This is the kind of ethical Nazi punching I can get 100% behind!


Dunno who Brad Heath is, but if his other comment about “proactive” cooperation meaning “he wore a wire,” then yeah, I’m guessing there are some really gray faces over there.

I’m now in sardonic overload.