Discussion: Former Trump Adviser Pleads Guilty To Making False Statements To FBI

Note that the filing says it is not everything known, only sufficient information to support the plea. Note also that there are significant individuals Papa interacted with not named. Senior Campaign Official, for example.

Oh, yes. This is very, very big.


This BBC thread is interesting


Small error in indictment document: Julia Tymochenko was never president of Ukraine

CoS KELLY to be on Fox News tonight !!

When is Nazi punching not ethical?


None of these people do. Not one. Thatā€™s one of the reasons theyā€™ll all flip. Theyā€™re not cut out for this, and every one of them knows it. We obviously know who the numero uno, chief target is, but I wonder if Mueller has in his sights a couple of others who he considers a target for full prosecution as opposed to a potential witness. Iā€™m thinking Sessions and Kushner.


Looking across timelines - I am now doubting my memory - but it seems to me when we learned about the aides who were tied, I believe to Flynn, his name was connected to that story. But maybe indirectly - as in how one of them came to work in that group? Or I could be all wrong.

It is a giddy day, isnā€™t it. You are not alone in that giddiness.

I want that Keeblers head on a plate, smirk and all.

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I am sure there are more of these comingā€¦

and as far as however Sarah Sanders tries to spin this poo the truth will escape her lips when pigs fly. To put a visual to itā€¦

It would explain his otherwise beyond stupid compulsion to continually interfere in the house investigation he supposedly recused himself from. Nunes has been in office since 2003, and his supporters seemed to love him, even after the whole WH side meeting mess this spring. He doesnā€™t need to ass kiss Trumpā€¦ unless heā€™s knee deep in Russian crap.


ā€œPleads Guiltyā€, that doesnā€™t leave much room for wiggling, do it?

This Pappadumdum dude plead guilty in order to reduce his own sentence and cooperated with the FBI regarding the whole collusion/laundering case.

Meaning, the connection has been made and that connection is ratting to save his own ass, which means those that are ratted on will have to also rat or take the fall.

This also just puts pieces together which makes the case. After a few coincidences, there arenā€™t any more coincidences.

Whereā€™s tweet boy? He canā€™t golf this one away. Iā€™ll speculate that heā€™s out trying to raise ā€˜campaign fundsā€™ from ā€˜small donorsā€™.

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Another tidbit from the Papado plea:

He learned (and therefore the Trump campaign learned) of Russiaā€™s treasure trove of HRC dirt and emails on or about 4/26/16. Something else happened on that day: the meeting between Russian Ambassador Kislyak and other Russian officials with Trump, Sessions and the Trump team at the Mayflower Hotel in DC. This is one of the meetings that Sessions lied about.


Sheā€™d probably turn into Anne Coulter

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The investigators had this so wrapped up, everyone involved in this treason has to be terrified about who else among them has flipped.

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Anyone care to speculate about this little nugget of goodness?


And baseball bats. You can ethically nail them with those as well.

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The ā€œBā€ side is usually the lesser.


How is this not espionage or treason?

This was posted on the other thread, but was received with derision because of its source. On the other hand, even nutcakes can be right sometimes.

Yes. And this was B.
Who is A?


His lashless pig eyes are getting that glazed look. He is way past scared.

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Today just keeps getting better and better. I think Iā€™m getting a little teared up.