Discussion: Former Trump Adviser Pleads Guilty To Making False Statements To FBI

Sarah is going to filibuster the issue and speak of the Trump Tax Plan. What else can she do, unless she just hides out in her dressing room.

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Oh, I think you should remind them. Some of them donā€™t know about that and others of them have forgotten, so it would be kind of like a public service announcement to give them a hint of how this stuff works. There canā€™t be enough laundries in Washington to get the shitstains out of everyoneā€™s pants today.

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Sarah canā€™t do that until she loses weight and starts dressing better. No hope for that, now, is there

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I was talking about Kelly Anne Conway, who looks like sheā€™s been chugging Draino for the past year :wink:


I dunno, I know Iā€™m an inveterate optimist but I have my sights set on Pence and Ryan; Sessions and Kushner arenā€™t in line to succeed Trump. Pence/Ryan would do continue to do untold damage if they did, just probably not nuclear war. Besides, I have little doubt they were pretty much in the know too, especially Pence.


The potential of Papadopoulos to spill a heavy load of valuable info for Mueller and his obvious willingness to do so must have Trumpā€™s lawyers scrambling today. Theyā€™re probably running from office to office looking for Tylenol. Heā€™s in a position, especially if he reported to Flynn, to do serious damage.



Of course, Sarah Sanders and FoxNews will say that Hillary Clinton, not anyone to do with Donald Trump, met with the Russian professor to get dirt on Hillary Clinton becauseā€¦becauseā€¦well, it makes perfect sense if you dropped 100 hits of brown acid at Woodstock back in 1969.

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Trump: This is not a crime. I told him to do it and I am POTUS.


Oh, no. You donā€™t seem to understand the modern media dictionary.
You see, itā€™s never ā€œtreasonā€ when thereā€™s a Republican administration.
But when thereā€™s a Democrat in the White House, a blowjob means ā€œtreasonā€


Wow, Obama campaign hired a firm that does op research? Scandal! Ok, so whatā€™s the timeframe of Oā€™s $? Is Donnie sure it was dossier fundingā€“likely as revenge for Birther crap and Hawaii investigations by Donā€™s great people? Maybe Don hired Fusion too! OMG, Fusion GPS is the antichrist!

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Or Ben Carson?


Fuck, thatā€™s one Transformer I never want to see Hasbro put on the market!


Does this mean Assange got the docs from the perfesser? He said he didnā€™t get them from the Russiansā€¦

The Rs are currently enjoying the state knows as blissful ignorance. Who am I to disturb that?


The answer to all your rhetorical questions is all of the above.



Itā€™ll never get old.


Sarah Sanders characterized George Papadopoulos, former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign as a ā€œvolunteerā€ meaning , I guess, that foreign policy is not very important to trump. Or that trump is willing to 1. throw anybody necessary under the nearest bus and 2.nobody working for trump is being paid a dime for all their efforts on his behalf.


Whenever I see a pic of Kellyanne, I think of this great dialogue exchange from John Watersā€™s ā€œPolyesterā€:
Francine: You dance lewdly for the boys at lunch period?
Lu-Lu: For a quarter, I will!