Discussion: Former Trump Adviser Pleads Guilty To Making False Statements To FBI

You Sir, you are on FIRE today!

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They could create their own cable news show. The Whatabouts?


From the article “According to the statement, Papadopoulos was in regular contact with three individuals he believed to have high-level ties with the Kremlin from the time he came onboard as a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign in March 2016 through at least August of that year, and he regularly informed other members of the Trump campaign about those communications.”

I am betting that Preshitident Anusmouth-Putindickholster, Ivank Trump, Cuck Kushner and the other vermin spawn were “regularly” informed as well.

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Except they are saying the same. It’s pretty much the “G-Pap who?” argument…“he’s just some guy who sat on some committee or something…this provides no direct link to Trump” etc.

I encourage them to keep this up, because nobody is going to believe that they guy who came back from England yammering about “I think I have a way to get us Clinton’s emails and other dirt from the Russians” was summarily ignored by the people involved here. You can’t even speak that argument without smirking like you know you just lied your ass off and expect everyone else to be so fucking stupid that they’ll believe it… Moreover, Junior already gave us the “who wouldn’t” line of crap when confronted with his attempts to get it from his own meeting with the Russians, which included a hacking operations mastermind.


"According to the statement, Papadopoulos was in regular contact with three individuals he believed to have high-level ties with the Kremlin […] and he regularly informed other members of the Trump campaign about those communications."

Oh my….this ought to wipe the perpetual smirk off of Kellyanne’s face.


Ryan and Priebus gave out ringside seats to the Republican National Convention where Trump, Pence and the Trump spawn worked with the Russian FSB to coordinate and weaponize the rigging of the 2016 Presidential election.


Trump: Our constitution sucks. I like Russia:


Oops, missed that you had already posted this….

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Our posts must have crossed in the ether.

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So, when is Sarah sanders gonna spew that it was high level democrats that were committing collusion George Papadopoulos along with the Kremlin.?


The song From Russia with Love was performed by Andy Williams whose politics were quite conservative. You wonder if he would have been on the Trump train like Wayne Newton.

Speaking of Putin’s niece, remember when Ivanka took off for a mid-campaign vacation on a yacht with Putin’s girlfriend?


Oh….wow….this is making my heart go pitter patter.

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I love how that makes him look like Rainman.

“Speaker Ryan…you party’s president has just been indicted for crimes related to colluding with the Russian gov’t to sway the election, including soliciting and receiving hacked documents and various backchannel communications and promises…what say you?”

“5 minutes to tax reform…def…def…definitely 5 minutes to tax reform…”


Hah, watching Fox is interesting.

It looks like they are going to try to hang the collusion bit strictly on Papadopoulos. This is going to be fun.


Trump: I just want all my advisers who are indicted/will be indicted to know that I have their back and they should know the words “5th Amendment”. If they dont, I will NOT pardon them, nor will Pence. I am their best hope.

Gotta go back to yesterday’s Gordon Lighfoot:

That good ship and crew was a bone to be chewed
When the gales of November came early



Gorka? Bannon? Who indeed?

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Ultra conservative Pat Boone covered Fats Domino’s songs as well, so unfair Fats has died and Boone lives on.

But I thought the singer on this fantastic video was the British singer Matt Monro who sang it on the soundtrack back in 1963 or so.