Discussion: Former Trump Adviser Pleads Guilty To Making False Statements To FBI

Hmm. Some are suggesting that the GPap indictment strongly hints that the DNC emails were the actual subject of the meeting in Trump tower. DNC was breached in April, and GPap learned from his contacts that the Rooskies had dirt on Clinton in late April.


By the way, there is nothing illegal about having ties to foreign governments, even Russia, and participating as a foreign policy advisor on a campaign. In fact, those ties would be a qualification for the job.

There is nothing illegal about a campaign expressing a desire to seek a better relationship with foreign governments, to talk about that publicly and express that desire to those foreign governments.

So why did Papadopolious lie about it? This is a rhetorical questions.


Thinking about Papadopoulosā€™ statement of offense, there has to be a dawning horror somewhere over how much the FBI knows and how it was gathered.


It takes a truly stupid person to flagrantly lie to the FBI. Their incompetence will be their undoing.


Weeping angels, hmm? Donā€™t blink, Donaldā€¦theyā€™re faster than you think.


Boy, Sarah Humorlessly Slanders is going to be a barrel of fucking laughs over the next few weeks.
And all the Trump defenders will only be appearing on one television network from now one. Iā€™ll give you 3 guesses as to which one it is, and the first two donā€™t count.


I havenā€™t been here in a long time, is it too late to post this again?


He lied about it because as the plea/statement of the offense states, he specifically talked to folks who said they had a lot of dirt on HRC, including emails. That discussion is about violating the Federal Election Campaign Act. He participated in a conspiracy to violate US laws. Thatā€™s why he lied. He was caught a while ago and is naming names.


We always know when you and the rest of the alt-right whackadoos are reaching apex desperation because you suddenly show up to regurgitate talking points you learned from some RWNJ website.

Psssst: IWB is right wing trash.


I wonder: are the Pampers and Huggies and Luvs provided to the president and the White House staff emblazoned with the Presidential Seal, or do they just have little graphics of Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson printed on them?

June 2016, email to Donald Trump Jr. :

This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its governmentā€™s support for Mr. Trump - helped along by Aras and Emin.

June 2016, Papadopoulos was relaying messages to the Trump campaign about potential meetings with Russiaā€¦

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This House of Cards is beginning to crumble.

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On MSNBC Matthew Miller saying he think Mueller is attacking this case like they do a mafia caseā€¦not a white collar case.


Give up. This pile of shit canā€™t be spun and you are getting it all over yourself. Itā€™s embarrassing. Just stop.


From Susan Hennesseyā€™s tweet feed


A bit of speculation on my part, but I think Nunes is just a dumb fock whose strings are being pulled by others. It was Ezra Cohen-Watnick, and Michael Ellis, who set up that previous stunt with Nunes involving his trip to the WH to view intelligence documents. Cohen-Watnick is a Flynn protege, and he no longer works for the WH. Ellis was council to the House Intelligence committee, and he was brought into the Trump administration along with Nunes, who was part of the Trump transition team. Since Nunes was not an early supporter of Trump, Iā€™m guessing that he was tapped for his usefulness because of his position on the House committee. Ellis is still working at the WH, and he is likely the one who pulls Nunes strings when needed. I read that Ellis once worked for Karl Rove. They seem like willing accomplices, doing whatever, in order to rise in the party hierarchy. But I think Ellis is also working at the direction of someone else in the Trump administration. They are just tools of the coverup and misinformation campaign, but I donā€™t know who is directing the coverup.a


So wait, are you saying Hillary hired Manafort to frame Trump?

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