Discussion: Former Trump Adviser Pleads Guilty To Making False Statements To FBI

Ha…I hadn’t even read it yet…was too busy slobbering all over myself. Wow, that second sentence is a doozy: they’re withholding some of what is known, which indicates that those additional facts probably relate to potential criminal activities of more people and that making them public now could compromise the investigations.


I agree with you, I just get annoyed with Talking Heads on New Shows that make these blanket statements that oh no this has nothing to do with the President, he just got bad advice.


Like a casting reject from that Houswives show after a quaalude and a box of wine.

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IIRC, Trump claimed nobody on his campaign team ever met with Russian agents. This guys sole purpose was to collude with the Russians and the rest of the campaign team.


Put away the Kumbaya bullshit Dems, destroy these people. I think any Dem nominee for President should explicitly state whether they intend to completely investigate and prosecute this administration to the fullest extent of the law.


That pic of Donnie makes it appear that he is having a “hemorrhoidal incident.” Good!


The big lie from Rump this morning is that none of this is connected to him or his campaign. Well, this Papadoolio indictment puts that lie to bed. He signed a statement saying he was guilty that he lied to the FBI in which he originally said everything happened before the campaign, when in fact it happened once he joined. He also shows his consciousness of guilt by shutting down his Facebook account with the original communications with a Putin loyalist and opening a new Facebook account minus those communications. Same with getting rid of his cell phone that held original communications and getting a new cell. This guy was in direct communication with tRump’s campaign supervisor during this period too. I’d say there is a direct connection, so watch the Pearl Puke say just the opposite today.


And if it wasn’t clear I got your point and was just kind of stating for the record what should have been obvious to the TV person.

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I almost never watch videos, and didn’t watch this one till this iteration. I love it too, wow!

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ManaFort’s onLY cRimE is not beiNg HitlarY. Let that sinK in.


Little Donnie Small Hands says “George who? Never heard of him.”

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Even Alan Dershowitz has been taken in by Mueller’s head-fake indictments. As IWB has repeatedly and accurately explained, these indictments coming now have nothing at all to do with Trump colluding with the Russians to rig the 2016 elections and everything to do with the primary responsibility the Praetorian guard had in classical Romain times, e.g. most people would say “protecting the emperor,” but they would be wrong.*

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Interesting that the confession was released today. Maximum effect. All those Manafort deniers in the White House? Guess what. We already have you asses to the fire.

The next few days should be VERY VERY

I’m wondering how much Manafort knew about the Papa confession and how much of its release today is about getting Manafort to finally flip.

Mueller wants Trump. BADLY. You can feel it. The noose is tightening.


My god, that’s practically pornographic. In a good way.


That’s so fraught. We don’t jail our opponents here. This is, of course, the reason that the White House is supposed to have a wall between it and the Justice Department, to prevent petty politics from infecting criminal prosecution. Ideally, this will get investigated by Mr. Mueller and fully “briefed” before the next elected President takes office.

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I believe Papadopoulos’ GUILTY PLEA accompanied the sound of the other shoe dropping. Manafort and Gates have been indicted, which is just an accusation. A plea is a whole 'nother world of hurt, plus, as others have noted, he seems to be cooperating to get less jail time. Time to start buttering the popcorn.


I am trying to steady and reduce my expectations. Failing completely.

In just three names, the world turned rapidly. What I am anticipating is there is more, much more. If Russia worked so hard to winnow in on just these three, then you know they had more people in the pipeline.

By the way, what does Nunes have to say about all of this?


Your parody-dar needs maintenance …

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He always looks terrible. He could die and I’d barely notice.


[smile] Indeed. It is soothing. Like a bubble bath.

I am reminded of the Conan the Barbarian movie:

What is best in life?

To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

In this case, I will enjoy the tears at Faux News.

I appreciate your efforts… I’m a little jealous, I’d enjoy doing some of what you do, myself.