Discussion: Former RNC Chair: Trump's Birtherism is 'Bullshit Racism'

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Don’t be such a racist, Michael Steele ! You are just an ‘establishment goon’ trying to stop a succesful business man overturning status quo in DC.


Trump Supporter: Well, if a white person says it, I might listen. Who gave HIM a microphone?


“You cannot say to me that given the 400 plus years of this country, that at the very moment the country decides to elect the first Black man president of the United States, you going to ask for his papers? Seriously? Seriously?”

To quote the Little Man from Oh Brother Where Art Though -

He ain’t lyin’.


That’s right. We want REAL racism!


“Ronald Reagan, if he were a candidate running for any office today, would not win a Republican primary. Because the things that he would espouse, the policies, the values, the principles that he would lay out there, would be rejected.”

But the GOP is still the party of Lincoln. Because we believe that the Government of the United States will do no act or acts to repress persons held as slaves in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom. Because we believe the president has the Constitutional authority to issue an executive order to declare that all persons held as slaves are, and henceforward shall be free. That’s why the GOP unanimously supports DACA and praises President Obama for his bold action to protect the freedom of Mexican immigrants.


I would like to say that this is a “turning point”.

But it is not. GOPers are just as behind Trump w/r/t percentages as Democrats are with Hillary. This is AFTER the racist Bannon and Breitbart replaced Manafort as Trump’s managing team.

The GOP is counting on Liz Spayd and the NYT, Cable “news” and 70% of the population being classed as white.

Oh and one other thing.

Their best weapon has already been used:

The needless splitting of the Democratic Party by Bernie Sanders**

** an opinion opposed by all who did the splitting


ahem…I do not remember any GOP official past/present/future talking this way when Trump invented his Muslim Kenyan Usurper Canard, including Michael Steele. The official GOP could have squashed this and Trump like a bug in 10 days if they had wanted to. They did not. People like Steele are denouncing the Canard very very late and seemingly trying to preserve a shred of integrity. Good luck with what you built.


Except for various forms of voter suppression designed, typically but not always, by legislators of red states.


So Steele is going to vote for Hillary Clinton and is out there campaigning for her, right?

Oh, he’s not? Then he’s part of the problem even more than he was before.


You win the Super Snark award for today.


I actually suspect, Steele would get behind a republican strategy of providing a pathway to citizenship and championing Mexicans in America. (Because it would be positive for republicans in electoral terms) But he knows that no such plan could ever see the light of day in today’s party.

And that’s the problem with Michael Steele. His is a “reasonable” republican, and as such, he likes to engage Democrats in debates on “reasonable” issues. Don’t fall for it. The debate is not about what tax rates should be. The debate is about whether or not a raging lunatic, on EVERY possible policy question, should receive votes. Trump has taken the republican party to the darkest most extreme positions imaginable. The debates Steele wants to have don’t exist anymore.


Some people are saying that Michael Steele looks a lot like Grover. How will he respond to these rumors?


“You cannot say to me that given the 400 plus years of this country, that at the very moment the country decides to elect the first Black man president of the United States, you going to ask for his papers? Seriously? Seriously?” said Steele.

Well, yes, they did, Mike. Because his father was, (Gasp!), straight from Africa, (via Harvard, ahem!), and not up from slavery like a proper black person. Oh, and there was that funny-sounding middle name…


And yet your still in the GOP, what does that say about you? If you do not stand up for your convictions your a mouse not a man.


I know. Reagan be all like, “Mr. Trump, tear down this wall!”

And Trump’s deplorable followers (Republicans, in other words) would run him out on a rail.


Just another GOP muppet with a hand up his ass controlling what he’s saying…


Five years late but better late than never, I suppose.


Oh, God, he left MSNBC’s green room long enough to do a podcast?!?!? When does he bathe or eat?


If and when Trump wins, the single person most responsible for Democratic disunity–Bernie Sanders–will escape the blame and derision he will deserve. For four reasons.

  • He is a zealot and zealots do not believe in blame

  • Americans will be so busy adjusting, fighting and dying there will be no time to blame

  • Trump’s post-factual society will make the point moot

  • History stops. There is no country powerful enough to “liberate” the U.S. **

So Bernie can do his Old Man Curmudgeon bit for the next seven weeks while still basking in the adulation of at least 40% of the Democratic Party

** Oh…and to all of the BernieBot Sarandons who plan on emigration or some such…The U.S. to big a country not to destroy the equilibrium the planet has enjoyed. UNTIL NOW. The U.S. is not the size of Austria