Discussion: Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Announces Senate Run

Glad to see this. I was concerned that no one would be looking out for the racist demographic come November.

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Itā€™s the asymmetry of his face. Notice how heā€™s holding his head at an angle in that shot? He always does - itā€™s so his eyes are level. (Edit to note: thatā€™s not a calculated ā€˜I must make myself seem normalā€™ or any other nefarious thing - heā€™s doing it unconsciously so the images line up better in his brain and thereā€™s less parallax to adjust for.) His ears are asymmetrical, too, but thatā€™s more common and less immediately off-putting than the eyes. Here:

The image on the right is edited to bring his eyes and ears into symmetry, based on the vertical centerline of his features from crown to chin. I mean, it doesnā€™t make him Ewan MacGregor, butā€¦

(actually, on consideration, it almost gets him to Bruce Greenwood, whose work I really like.)

Another edit just to tack on: itā€™s a bit of an Uncanny Valley situation, too - someone who is extremely and blatanly ā€˜uglyā€™, tends to get less of a negative reaction from the observer because the brain sees greater differences as something to compensate for. Duke, otoh, is just a little off, visuallyā€¦ and that creates the unsettling ā€˜what the fuck?ā€™ feeling as the brain goes looking very hard to try to figure out whatā€™s ā€˜wrongā€™.


Trump and Duke ā€“ bigots of a feather.

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He sees some good coattails. It will be hard for Trump to resist saying something positive about Duke.

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Yep. And people now feel welcome and comfortable publicly supporting Duke. Sadly, in Drumpfā€™s America Duke can win.


has anyone checked on Jeffrey Lord yet?

If he were running for the House, Iā€™d agree, but I think his obvious racism and historical baggage will bring out enough voters that he might actually be a drag on Trump in Louisiana, rather than the other way around.


I canā€™t believe that the United States Senate would ever admit this asshole to the chamber, regardless of whether he won an election.

ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww that is a traumatizing visual :open_mouth:

And I had thought theyā€™d hit rock bottom with Vitter.

Who knew one day weā€™d be longing for a diaper wearing john as Senator?

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I hope he gets beaten by a black, gay, female atheist.

Of course, heā€™s running.

Guys like Duke have been living in a bubble of racism and with the advent of Trump, they think their ideas are mainstream.

Thoā€¦ perhaps the best thing about Duke running is when he gets beat, heā€™ll do what he did last time he lost and go back into his hateful little cubby hole, and leave us alone (that isā€¦ IF he losesā€¦sigh).

Is this Trumpā€™s son from a teenage hook up?

Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve said this before but that hair vs beard color, WTF. How the hell do you look at yourself in the mirror and think, ā€œyea, that looks good!ā€?

You seriously didnā€™t think it was relevant to quote this passage?

ā€œIā€™m overjoyed to see Donald Trump and most Americans embrace most of the issues Iā€™ve championed for years,ā€

Or, more precisely:

ā€œIā€™m overjoyed to see Donald Trump and most Americans embrace most of the issues Iā€™ve championed for years,ā€

       - KKK leader David Duke

Good he is not a Democrat. Now what are the Republicans going to do about him?

From Wikipedia : ā€œFamily and personal life
While working in the White Youth Alliance, Duke met ChloĆŖ Eleanor Hardin, who was also active in the group. They remained companions throughout college and married in 1974. Hardin is the mother of Dukeā€™s two daughters, Erika and Kristin. The Dukes divorced in 1984,[15] and Chloe moved to West Palm Beach, Florida, in order to be near her parents. There, she became involved with Dukeā€™s Klan friend, Don Black, whom she later married.[16] Duke also developed a lifelong compulsion for gambling.[17]ā€

Maybe he will have the devoted daughter introduce him as being flawless and fuzzy warm, and her husband can help run the campaign from the basement.

He wonā€™t win, but his chances would be better if he would deep-six that hairpiece.

Iā€™ve never noticed how completely askew his face is. Thereā€™s like a 15 degree angle between his eyes and the rest of his face.