Discussion: Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Announces Senate Run

Make sure you buy Trump brand sheets…


and I’m guessing he will ask and get drumpf’s support…this loathsome pile of shit thinks the people of my state will vote for him…unfortunately some actually would…this shows how far we have sunk as a people that this crap sandwich would think he could win


I remember when he ran against the crooked governor, and there was a bumper sticker that asked, “Do you want the Wizard or the Lizard?”


Donald sent him an autographed pic of his rally in Cleveland and BFF Duke was inspired by it!


For someone who thinks his race is the best, he sure is fugly.

For both Duke and Trump, I’m betting the curtains don’t match the carpet…

Wonder if Drumpf will do a fundraiser for him.

Another bumper sticker said, “Vote for the crook. It’s important.” Edwin Edwards crushed him and then, I think, got indicted again :slight_smile:


I didn’t think a convicted felon could run for national office?

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Trump/Duke, “Making Amerika White Again”.


failed bid for governor

Barely failed bid where he won the popular vote first time around.

That makes it an even 22 people running. There will end up being a run off in this clearly, so I wish him luck :smile:

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Sure, why not!

A grand wizard, a felon, this guy is right up there in the gop/bag wheelhouse.

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And then he fired on Fort Sumter.


I guess I don’t know much about Louisiana politics, but in this political climate, with Trump giving white supremacists and racists cover to come out into the light of the mainstream, couldn’t he pull a statistically relevant portion of the Republican vote making a Dem win likely?

Or maybe he’s just irrelevant now. Hard to tell with these guys, as I don’t ever condone giving them a platform or spending any time on them as it just feeds their need for attention.

Edit: It’s hard to tell from this article whether he plans to run as a Republican. I looked it up and there are currently 21 people running for this seat! Wow!


His time has come.


The following persons shall not be permitted to qualify as a candidate for elective public office or take public elective office or appointment of honor, trust, or profit in this state:
(1) A person who has been convicted within this state of a felony and who has exhausted all legal remedies, or who has been convicted under the laws of any other state or of the United States or of any foreign government or country of a crime which, if committed in this state, would be a felony and who has exhausted all legal remedies and has not afterwards been pardoned either by the governor of this state or by the officer of the state, nation, government or country having such authority to pardon in the place where the person was convicted and sentenced.
Exception.: A person who desires to qualify as a candidate for or hold an elective office, who has been convicted of a felony and who has served his sentence, but has not been pardoned for such felony, shall be permitted to qualify as a candidate for or hold such office if the date of his qualifying for such office is more than fifteen years after the date of the completion of his original sentence.

The pig-fucker’s not even eligible to run in Louisiana.

David Duke isn’t the fringe anymore, Trump has made him feel welcome in this political climate.