Discussion for article #242125
I smell a new Congressional Committee!!!
This time they should give her immunity and compel her to testify.
But they won’t. Republicans know Lerner was a GOP appointee, and know if they give her immunity they may discover that any criminal activity in which she may have engaged was likely on the GOP’s behalf.
One report down, seven to go.
And you thought the GOP/Teatrolls were apoplectic over the failure of their Benghazi nonsense yesterday haha…
Oh man, this is going to be sooooo good.
/popcorn tin with 3 flavors
Further proof that Barack HUSSEIN Obama is targeting Republicans. He’ll probably start confiscating guns next. Impeach now!
The scales of Lady Justice have found that Lois Lerner does not, in fact, weigh the same as a duck.
Perhaps. I think it’s subtler and easier to explain than that and it’s sort of the same reason, for example, that they blocked the Dems from forcing the guy who made those alleged PP videos from having to testify: allowing the testimony would actually get to the truth and that truth disproves their conspiracy theories and accusations (and they know it). It would thereby destroy their ability to perpetuate the nontroversy, assert that “we just don’t know” and “we still have questions” and bolster the conspiracy theories with “cover up” talk, rather them put them to bed with facts.
Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity are rushing to Costco for the sale on baby oil and Kleenex.
Prosecuting her wasn’t the point. Making sure no one in the IRS really investigates the bullshit tax free status off all these PAC’s, SuperPacs and other right wing hit groups was the point. I am sure they got the message. No need to further investigate. I hope HRC get her Justice Department and IRS to crack down on this. it’s a complete sham.
I can almost hear their heads exploding now…
Well, that ended up in the wrong thread.
Former IRS official Lois Lerner, who was accused of improperly targeting conservative groups, will not face charges, nor will any other IRS officials, the Department of Justice told Congress on Friday.
How about for granting primarily political organizations preferential tax statuses not open to primarily political organizations, will she faces any charges related to that? Because that is what actually happened and is far closer to some sort of actual misconduct deserving of being looked into then any of this persecution bullshit the tea party keeps going on about.
But I thought this was the single greatest scandal in DC since Watergate! I’m very, very disappointed…just another example of Republicans scrambling to make shit up and hoping it will stick to the President and his Administration. Try again, boys.
Yet another farcical witchhunt of this pathetic congress comes to an ignoble close. That they demagogue and smear citizens without merit is of no ethical concern to them. As slanted as the IG report was that started this idiocy, even they said there was no evidence of deliberate targeting. The problem has been the tax code which is a no-win for the public and the IRS. Congress of course writes the code and can change it. Have they – oh no, that actually takes work. They would much rather bully government workers than actually try to fix anything. They can’t even pass a routine highway bill they are so dysfunctional. Really sad.
“Poor management is not a crime.”
I’m sure the Select Committee on Benghazi is going to be very relieved to hear that!
The Derpsters will simply call this part of a cover-up.
Well they need to impeach soon before those empty Walmart/FEMA camps come online.
Congress owes it to the American people to find out why the DOJ people never emailed Hillary about this.