Discussion: Former IRS Official Accused Of Targeted Tea Partiers Will Not Face Charges

'Nother GOP hobby horse hobbled…


Nah, the GOPers won’t form a new committee unless Lois Lerner decides to run for President… or they could make a cognitive bridge to the State Department and Libya

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Clinton rising, Benghazi committee imploding. Romney talking up Obamacare and now this? Maybe it’s time to hug a Republican? (just kidding). They’ll probably take a shot at you.

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And to find out whether Lois Lerner is alone at home.


Might be good to note WHO accused her of doing wrong instead of calling her accused in the same sentence that says the officials won’t charge her. This makes it look like the Feds were going after her, instead of that the right wing noise machine screamed so loudly the Feds had to investigate.

It was just another phony scandal anyway. Theses things need to be shut down much faster in the future. The GOP has to get the message that this stuff does not work. They need learn they have to stop being useless, or go extinct.

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“Some people say…” is the same dodge they always use. First the big failure of the Howdy Gowdy lead commission. Now, the Planned Parenthood commission! As noted, they absolutely must open a new line, if not a whole commission, against Lerner, this being a DOJ/Obama conspiracy to let her off the hook.

What’s odd to me is that even if this kind of crap plays well with their ever-shrinking old, white, male base, do they really think this will gain them even one more vote than they’d get otherwise? Simultaneously driving away tons of intelligent voters of all stripes who can easily see through their charades?

They never learn, do they?

It was certainly a horrible idea to approve special tax privileges for political outfits that amount to multilevel marketing scams, whose perpetrators were literally dumb enough to admit their political intent in their applications. Epic fails are not always crimes.

Did she ever get an email from Sidney Blumenthal?

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