So wait let me get this straight. Trump with this act of evil and cruelty is actually creating more undocumented immigrants in the US?
Never in my wildest dreams…nightmares.
Former ICE Head Mueller: Trump Admin’s Family Separations Could Will Be Permanent
That’s more like it!!
"Trump Admin’s Family Separations Could Be Permanent.”
Today’s GOP: The Party of Family Values™.
May the “white evangelicals” who defecated Trump on America burn in hell.
“I can tell you from experience that it’s more difficult than it sounds”
Who ever thought it sounded easy?!!
I guarantee that from Trump and Miller on down, the problem of eventually re-uniting families was something they just did not care about. This policy is about inflicting pain, and being seen to inflict pain.
THIS is a Republican’s idea of toughness.
A “plan” based on hate and xenophobia, without an ounce of thought or planning behind it. Like everything Trump does. It’s a pathetic pattern of behavior.
Sort of like post-invasion Iraq.
What breath-taking evil. There is no good reason. When will the rest of the world condemn the US over human rights?
Nichole Wallace’s crew were saying that insiders in the White House think everything is fine.
I guess if your news source is Faux .
I was on the treadmill at the gym for about 45 minutes ,
During that time all the other networks were giving the story full court press and even the locals sporadically were airing pieces.
Faux news …nothing …NADA ZIP
Talking about Trumps trip to NK and what Kim was up to
Trump channel indeed
"Trump administration “could be creating thousands of immigrant orphans in the U.S.”
He says that like that is a BAD thing. /s/
Waiting on the world to change.
I heard that, but find it hard to believe. But they’re all in now, unless they quit. And they, as enablers, will suffer the consequences
Cruel and unusual punishment. (article 6)
I just woke from a nap and I had a dream:
Lawyer Avenatti filed a suit with Child Protective services of DC in which it was pointed out that young Barron Trump was living with a known serial child abuser. There was evidence, … tape evidence presented about pussy grabbing by his father and then the abuse of thousands of children brought by their parents to the US in search of safety. In my drean CPS snuck into the White House and spirited young Barron to freedom away from his father (who could not care less) and his distraught mother who fled to Slovenia … remember this was a dream… they don’t hafta make sense. Later on in the dream the DC police showed up with a warrant for the arrest of one donald j trump who was taken to jail and named a serial child abuser…and put in a cell with several not so nice guys. I wanted to catch the ending but i woke up…
Even the village idiot could have figured out this one out! Keeping track of 2000 kids plus thier parents? Separate them by 1000 miles or so?
There are no words. tRump is responsible for this disaster. Let it lie heavy on his head.
Re-upping this, because it’s so beautiful, and such a profound warning.
Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Lifelong agnostic me simply hopes those parents find their children again somehow. Maybe there’s some transcendent force that cares that an innocent child and an agonized parent should not have their hearts forever broken by the cruelty and stupidity that’s so easily unleashed when a nation fails itself. Maybe benevolent people will set up some sort of international agency to reunite these people. Maybe caring for each other is the only transcendence we’ll ever be at all sure of in this life. Anyway that’s what I hope. Got something in my eye…
It will not. He has no empathy at all
There need to be some trials over this. It’s a serious crime. Thousands, actually. We’ll find out who’s above the law. These people need to face justice, not just be ostracized, or walk away. Since we’re not at war, there’s no excuse for treating our fellow humans like this.
One thing is sure Matty … I hate to say this…I really do … but I fear there will be several thousand families that will harbor a deep and multi-generational hatred of the United States. I would if it were my son or grandson. I would dedicate myself to war for the rest of my life.
That the GOP is sitting on their hands in the face of this makes them complicit. The whole of Congress has done Jack shit when they should be screaming into the nearest camera about removing this fuck from office. Children should never be political pawns…ever. Not like this.
This is Nazism.
I don’t care how much money it costs, there kids must be reunited with their parents, even if it means setting up help in overseas consulates to help deported parents find their kids.
As for who pays? Well all those corporations and wealthy elites that have made out like bandits so far under this depraved administration can start saving their pennies…