Is it wrong that I’m imagining somebody breaking a chair over that douche canoe’s head right now?
Why was this asshole on TV in the first place? He’s as charming as ever, I see. Stop giving these idiots air time, CNN! They have nothing to contribute in the first place.
And he’ll be back on CNN a couple days from now spouting more garbage in between spots on fox bemoaning his martyrdom.
He will be Lord’s replacement.
Ratings! CNN is hardly faultless when it comes to the dumbing down of American political discourse.
Am I the only one getting confused by all the Sanders spokespeople hanging around on both sides?
“My point of disagreement is that, that was an excuse to bring these groups together,” he said, referring to the statue of Lee.
And of course, the Civil War was really just about ‘state’s rights’. Uh-huh.
They had Paris Dennard in heavy rotation over the weekend. He must’ve been sleeping on a cot at CNN.
They’re convinced employing Trump surrogates will bring ratings, even though MSNBC is kicking their behind at this point.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders ditches her Lane Bryant wardrobe for her next press conference:
Oh, and why would any news organization interview a proven racist, homophobic, misogynist POS like Ken Cuccinelli in the first place? What, wasn’t fat-ass has-been Newt Gingrich available?
She needs Cha-Cha heels. Would be Divine!
The GOP is dying a painful, long-awaited, death.
Those people are going to ruin our property values. Now, let me see, I had a box of red lines around here somewhere…
It is just such a frustrating experience for somebody like Cuccinelli, when those people don’t know their place.
No, you are not. It is necessary to always check first name.
Nice debating Technique, Ken. Always invoke the “Shut Up” clause in Robert’s Rules. Spellbinding oratory.
The Cooch tells black person to shut up in debate on white supremacy?
And Trump’s base loved it.
Then asked Cuomo how to make “them” shut up.
Niche marketing. Granted it’s a pretty itchy niche. I wish they’d scratch it.