Not just teachers - remember about a year or so ago, Brownback’s aides bullied a high school student who tweeted something disrespectful about the guv while he was giving a speech to her school? Bullying people who want to provide or recieve an education is obviously encouraged in the Brownback administration. But, that’s what Kansans voted for when they went to the polls or decided it was too much bother to go last November.
Again with the fascism, GOP? and the demand to worship a “Dear Leader”?
Some day I will wake to find that a Rethug or his/her minion(s) did NOT do something corrupt, or unethical, or assholish, or dickish, or generally socio/psychopathic.
And I will then either have a massive heart attack, or a major stroke, and that will be that.
Fortunately, given the current crop of Rethugs, I don’t expect that will happen anytime soon.
Only Lie-berals are fascists, remember? And YOU are the TRUE fascist for suggesting otherwise
Skid marks.
yes stop reminding people that brownback is a horrible excuse for a gov…
was "badgering" and "hostile" toward Model UN coordinator Jenay Weekly
Maybe she could get together with Tim Daly.
Serious question: Whats with the stubble look? Is it a gay thing? Grover Norquist wanna-be thing? Brawny paper towel pitchman thing?
It’s unprofessional for you to tell people what we did!
That’s the thinnest skin I’ve ever seen. You can probably see through it.
Nothing will hit the general public until the Jayhawks basketball program is impacted.
Shut it down!
Well, speaking for myself it’s because my wife complains about scratchy stubble and I’m not gonna shave every day to keep it smooth. Also, I lack the conviction to go full beard. For me, best solution is to trim down to a uniform 3 mm layer of stubble and let it grow until it starts to itch. I hope I don’t look as shifty as this guy, though…
Well, it didn’t do Kensinger any good because here we are talking about what a douche he is and how rotten Governor Sam Brownback is and the kickback connection in Brownback’s healthcare 'reform".
People like Chris Christie and this guy might feel tough because they attempt to demean and condescend to women and our teachers but it is a losing proposition. Christie says that sometimes people need to be told to shut up without realizing that he is #1 on the list and this Kensinger flack doesn’t begin to realize that he will only look like the Neanderthal that he is by targeting a woman educator. He comes off as a brute and puts himself under the microscope.
The authoritarians just can’t win, no matter how much they demand that they should.
The next thing you know you will have Lawrence O’Donnell raising funds from the KIND fund for school kids desks in Kansas.
Well, the voters of Kansas voted for him twice. They were well aware of his “feelings of entitlement” when they went to the polls and returned him to his office of governor.
Seems the people of Kansas like to feel put upon - you know, vote for the guy, then complain when he does what he promises to do. I guess nobody really expected him to put the state at risk like he has, but then, we have Chris Christie as a really good example that Brownback is following.
expect a good long life.
gee, another asshole acting like an asshole. who would have expected it?