Discussion: For Tea Party, A Cruel Irony

Discussion for article #223861

The headline is inaccurate—the House GOP has been in Chaos for four years now.
This merely ups the level of the chaos by a factor of 10.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m ordering extra popcorn.


“The more exotic members in here – they don’t like any of the candidates,” the congressman said. “So there’s no way to please folks that can’t even run a candidate of their own but they want to run out to the media and complain.”

Translation: Fuck these fucking fucks.


Exotic? Like parrots and monkeys… that kind of exotic?


“Luminaries”??? WTF, O??

  1. a person who inspires or influences others, especially one prominent in a particular sphere.

  2. an artificial light.

I don’t see “Beyond Bat-Sh1T Crazy” anywhere in those descriptions.


In Rightwingnutistan, being bat shit crazy and having a publisher willing to publish said crazy does actually make them “luminaries”.


Sit back and pass the popcorn as the internecine warfare flares in the Republican Party.
The House leaders will get their way, and elect McCarthy, but just wait for the “fury” (do these guys have ANY other emotions but that?) of the Reich-Wingers to descend upon them.
Expect a few more house incumbents to get bent by Tea-Bagger victories in the primaries because of it.
We are FAST on our way to a split in the Republican party. If they don’t see massive gains in the 2014 cycle the Reich-Wingers will break off and form a new party (I predict it will be called the “Patriot Party”) and doom the Republican Party to same waste heap as the “Whigs” of the 19th Century.


Y’all pray proceed. Crazy-eyes for Speaker and Loony Louie for Leader. Heck, Lil Mick or Benghazi Issa can be Whip. Just take the Baggernut party completely off the rails before 2016 and please eat your young.


Where the fuck is Bakersville?

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Bakersville, CA is not far from LA, about 112 miles. Home of Hulk Hogan!

When the shark bites…

Bakersfield, CA Central Valley of Calif

“Some right-leaning House Republicans.”

What do you say to a sentence like this? Is this the right of right of right, e.g. those House Republicans that now appear to be flanking the Democrats to the far left?

Question for David Brat (assuming he’s ready for questions now):

You criticized Eric Cantor for receiving a 54% rating, or a grade of ‘F’, from the Heritage foundation. Will you support Kevin McCarthy as Majority Leader?


California central valley, where the fruits and nuts come from.


I call this “House of 'Tards”


exotic like dengue

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What you just said.

Normally, having McCarthy succeed Cantor would just make sense: he’s in line to get the position. BUT, and this is big, it seems to me now that the House is 90% teabagger, why would they pay any attention to him - AT ALL??? He commands ZERO respect from the baggers and I have no doubt that when McCarthy says to do something, the caucus will simply tell him to go pound sand. On national television. no less.

This isn’t herding cats; it’s dodging psychopaths. If nothing else, a teabagger leader would be able to speak to them in a way they understand and maybe try to get them to cut something of a deal to actual governing. Or not.


Bakersfield: home to some of the worst air in the nation and a large undocumented population. He’s conservative, but he has some specific realities pertaining to immigration, water, and farm labor in his parts.


Let the TGOP inter-party backstabbing begin!