I won’t be able to make it. But I did sign John Osborn, the Director of Croquet at Grift-a-Lotto, up for two tickets.
If you’d like to sign someone up to attend in your stead …
I won’t be able to make it. But I did sign John Osborn, the Director of Croquet at Grift-a-Lotto, up for two tickets.
If you’d like to sign someone up to attend in your stead …
No shit, Seriously?
As usual, the question is, Why is he doing this? But the other question is, ‘Why is he being allowed to do this?’ The security concerns and expense alone could probably fund a moderate-sized college for a year. This is profligacy in support of a deeply unstable personality.
Know how much it costs the taxpayers when he flounces off to Florida for the weekend? Three million bucks.
So he can brag about his HUGELY win some more?
that’s what “kabuki theater” was meant to indicate
Ah, ok. I read too hurriedly, obviously. In answer to that idea though, Josh recently referred to the current admin as Trump’s Potemkin presidency, which would fit that narrative too. We’ll have to just see what happens… though I suspect Trump’s options are eroding very fast right now.
I suspect this is his lame way of responding to the well-deserved criticism of his weekly vacations. Now it’s a “working vacation.” Get it? See, problem solved.
Oh, and let’s not forget he’s the guy who said he “would never take a vacation.”
Because without a doubt, his ego is taking a bruising, and his aides want to get him back in good spirits.
THAT’S the question! And goes to a bigger question/problem that we all know but nobody talks about. Which is…its really not a good idea to let a degenerate grifter have access to unlimited taxpayer funds.
Time for extreme vetting of Bannon, Miller and Gorka.
Eventually, we will see this as well, they never learn: “Trump Supporters Break Visitation Records During Visits to Trump at Leavenworth”
I tried. The form requires you to say you’re not a robot.
Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first deprive of their security clearance!
I’m so enjoying this.
Me too.
I had to leave for a few hours to see someone and all I could think of is I hope not missing anything.
He’s no longer a National Security Advisor. Why should his access be resumed?**
It’s a hell of a lot more than that.
Oh, tut tut. The multiplier effect of funds brought in by protest tourism will more than offset the loss of ordinary tourism dollars.
Yeah. So is a protest in planning for the weekend? I hope I hope
Agree x1000. He’s having an epic snit and needs adulation.
Hmm. It seems now Pete Williams at NBC is reporting there was no collusion between the Trump Campaign and the Russians. So now maybe the Tobacco Company playbook is being used. Williams doesn’t say where his info comes from. NBC has been very Trumpish of late. I’ll reserve judgement for now. Also, don’t know who Pat Dollard is. Nada on NBC website.
WILLIAMS: “What I was going to say, Craig, is they’re just about midway through this. They’ve got several months more to go. They found no indication that there was any collusion. The number of these contacts was not a large number, they were not constant. They were not contacts, as far as the U.S. knows, with Russian intelligence people. One official told me today, ‘You never know with the Russians,’ but there is no confirmed connection between these Trump associates and any Russian intelligence figures.”
Read more at http://www.patdollard.com/nbcs-pete-williams-no-indication-of-any-collusion-between-trump-camp-and-russia/#kl1lS0Hp8F117OqR.99
They all could go and talk to ranting Michaels customer lady.