Meh, they could’ve waited another month or so. What’s the hurry? **F’**ing Ly’nn is a good comrade.
Putin: Flynn is now a liability. He, along with his son must be terminated.
What? To prevent a third president needing to fire him?
Never should have had it in the first place.
There was a time that if you were hobnobbin with the Russki’s you were intermediately suspect.
With Putins behavior I see no reason not to continue that fine tradition.
Get the moles out of the administration Trump!
Why would he have any access at this time? He’s no longer in government work or the military.
Can anyone explain this further? If he resigned, what is his position? Why would he have access to classified information at all? And why is this “pending review”? Why isn’t he permanently barred from classified information?
Why only suspend? There’s no way that someone who presents such a significant domestic security risk should ever be able to have an email account, let alone access to SCI. Revoke, motherfuckers!!
Anyone else seen this?
A senior intelligence officer claims “He will die in jail.”
Dumbass should NEVER have fucked with the spooks.
Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov flatly contradicted this.
In a written statement, he said:
“The Kremlin still grants Gen. Flynn full and complete access to all classified Russian intelligence.”
Orange is the new orange.
Joseph McCarthy is spinning in hell over starting his witch hunt 67 years too early…
Mostly, but not entirely off topic, but many of the usual MSM suspects are still into ‘balance’ and ‘high Broderism’ as regard Fucker-the-Trump and his antics. Must. Publish. Something . Good. 'Bout. Trump.
Trump Supporters Support Trump: To Maintain ‘Balance,’ Media Resort to Tautology
But coverage of the opposition to the ban has also sparked a kind of reflexive counter-narrative within the corporate media. Since the first protests broke out a few weeks ago, a competing genre has appeared adjacent to that coverage. In it, the press parachutes into red-state diners, barbershops and grocery store parking lots to seek out Trump voters—and only Trump voters—to gauge their support for the ban.
Why would he still have access?
I’m going to love this story, but they shouldn’t brag about this.
Probably because he was someone before Drumpf burned his ass.
I read that and was like Holy Fucking Shit, these people hate his frickin’ guts.
This is really true. NPR is searching remote islands, rainforest canopies, and Chicago exurbs to find some Trump supporters still adamantly supportive in their support. I swear they are just trying to piss me off.
Raise your hand if you’re excited for the incoming FAKE Russia crisis kabuki theater in which Trump proves he’s all about coming down hard on Russia with a heavy hand and the righteous wrath of Amurikkka!!!