Discussion: Florida Bakery Says It Got Threats After Refusing To Make Anti-Gay Cake

Aw gee ain’t that cute? Some customers want Beck to send 'em lots of money because they are bigoted idiots now.

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Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money

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Looks like we have another religious nut wanting to cash in on the free money the christian right is giving away to businesses refusing to carter to gays. The old saying was A fool and their money are soon parted still seems to be the rule yet today.

Actually it does, the only difference here is that you disagree with the cake purchaser’s position here. So you can justify the cake maker here and not in the other case. If a cake maker can be forced to make a cake for, (the florist in Washington state was actually forced to attend) a gay wedding that he doesn’t believe in, then a cake maker can be forced to make a cake that promotes a Christian message that he doesn’t believe in.

If there is an argument for the baker here it’s that he didn’t request the relevant scripture be printed on the cake.

[quote=“MattinPA, post:13, topic:18807”]
That seems more like something you could refuse without discriminating against a class of people. You’re just exercising your personal right to have some discretion over what you do.
[/quote]So then, in the case where the cake maker was forced to make a cake against his/her will for the gay wedding, you agree that the cake maker had a right to make the cake and write on it, “We don’t support gay marriage”? Or are you about to make an argument about how the law can force you to make a cake you don’t want to make AND tell you what you can and can not say.

The right thing to do in both of these cases is to along the shop owner to say, 'thanks, but no thanks". The law shouldn’t force either one of them to make any cakes that they don’t want to make.


And they will likely get it. It’s the new I Am A Bigot Sweepstakes!

The baker who refused to deliver a cake that said “we don’t approve of gay marriage” isn’t in the business of making cakes that say “we don’t approve of” this, that or the other thing. That’s not what they do. They make wedding cakes, celebratory cakes of all natures, birthday cakes, anniversary cakes, congratulations on winning whatever, it’s a girl/boy, etc. They’re not in the business of making cakes that engender negativity, divisiveness, discrimination, etc. It’s not what they do.

If someone came in and ordered a cake that said, “We disapprove of christians or republicans or democrats or liberals,” or “we suck donkey dicks,” they wouldn’t make it. And that’s because it would be foolish. They are in business to serve their community and make a profit. Why would they delve into negative nonsense when they are in the celebratory business? Why would they want to embroil their business in such controversy?

They’re in the business of making celebratory cakes and they have to offer the same cakes to everyone. Not the same thing at all.

I see no evidence that you understand or take seriously the law involved here. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Constitution both say you can’t discriminate against classes of people. If you serve the public your feelings about gay marriage simply don’t matter. You can’t refuse service because of it, end of story. Now, if somebody with an ax to grind wanders in and asks me to bake a cake with a message on it I find offensive, I can refuse that particular person because of the nature and motivation of his or her particular request. That’s not discrimination. The fact that both involve refusal to do something the baker finds offensive or wrong doesn’t make them similar on legal grounds. You need to grasp that distinction or you won’t have much to contribute to the discussion. For God’s sake don’t flatter yourself that you’ve got people trapped in your wily snares of logic when you don’t even understand the fundamentals. I know the situations in which civil rights mean my personal feelings are secondary. I’m pretty sure you don’t.

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Why would anti-gay bigots donate to support a business that refuses to provide a cake with a customized anti-gay message?

Was theirs set up like the Pizza shop thru the Blaze so Beck gets his cut??

“Florida Bakery Says It Got Threats After Refusing To Make Anti-Gay Cake”

Florida Bakery Says It Would Very Much Like to Receive $800K Too Please.


Yeah, Civil Rights, protected classes, US Constituion, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Jim Crow, apartheid, I don’t agree with you so I’m too dumb to understand any of it.

What I do understand is that you didn’t answer the question. So how about you answer. Can the cake maker who is forced to bake the cake write on the cake, “We don’t support gay marriage”? Or can the law force her to make a cake against her will AND tell her what she can and can not say?

Well it all depends in which “christians” are you using as your benchmarks… Crusaders? Salem which burners? Spanish Inquisition?

If you do understand the implications of the requirement to treat people in a non-discriminatory way then your question is frivolous and the answer self-evident. Or do you honestly think you’re making some sort of effective point? If you think so then you don’t, in fact, understand the issues here. Sorry, but that’s the truth.

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