Your right to drink lead-free water doesn’t trump the gun nuts’ Second Amendment right to pollute the ground water with their Freedom™. We need a well regulated skeet shooting militia to protect us from a tyrannical government.
Imagine a Bush brother having run a state where anything can be sold to the highest bidder! Well, I never!
When, oh, when, will Liberals ever learn that lead poisoning is freedom?
Libtards are the real leadists.
Gee, it´s almost as if campaign contributions have served to pervert governmental action to the benefit of the givers.
Never could have foreseen that.
To be fair, Marion Hammer is also fine with lead entering your body directly in the form of a gunshot.
The ancient Romans used to sweeten their wine with a bit of lead. It was one of the major contributing factors leading to the collapse of the Empire.
But lead free drinking water is trumped by the second amendment??
Figment of you very active imagination to think the NRA had any influence on this…
Will someone please explain how building a wall to prevent the bullets from going everywhere is gun control at all. Bullet control perhaps. Are we to the point where now individual bullets have rights too?
The gunskeeters should poetically switch to Flintlocks.
Sounds like a lot of misses. Maybe they need better training.
Hey, “Marion”, have another lead-laced KoolAid!
Welp, bullets, just like people, are corporations to ya know…err wait…what?
Or the GOPer supporting the NRA.
They don’t need campaign contributions to do that.
Nothing short of sickening!
Interesting that Republicans don’t think they need clean drinking water. I guess they’ll wait and until someone they care about gets sick before accepting the science.
Vote every one of them out ofoffice, good people.
Lead in drinking water is fine when it’s from bullets. It’s in the small print under 2nd amendment.
Too bad Governor Snyder didn’t think of that defense.
I wish a neighbor would build a wall or at least a berm or hay bales something. I was invited to “target” practice with him and buddies shortly after I moved here. I mentioned and suffered the smirks that I had not shot in some 30+ years. Proceeded that morning to hit ballantine after ballantine. Never been asked back. I can’t understand why, the “experts” were lucky to hit the target even once or twice a clip.
Whether you get lead in your drinking water, or lead in a bullet in the heart, it’s still poison.