Yeah, I’m not original, stole it lock, stock and barrel from my old Governor.
Orange County proved it could be done. Many volunteers worked very hard. Wiped Congressional Republican Reps off the map. And now the Repukes are targeting for County for 2020.
I’ve lived in S VA, and you’re so right. There has to be a base, a party there that locals belong to, to even begin. Outsiders need not apply. The hostility to Dems is open, and the organization of religious groups strong. Old boy network.
As someone who runs quite a few non partisan races in my area, they are always partisan. The non partisan label just allows candidates to address actual issues instead of having to tie themselves to broader Red vs. Blue issues that have no bearing on that particular race.
The republicans here, out every single non republican candidate now. They literally made robo calls in our last local election, telling people not to vote for candidate X because he is a Democrat. Went on campaign FB pages and started calling them baby killers who want to steal your guns (local city councils have no ability to enact any gun measures in FL, and there isn’t even a clinic that provides abortions in our county) Totally illegal of course, but near impossible to prove, so the local officials do nothing.
They all talk like parodies of the staff of a banana republic dictator. It’s amazing how tin-eared his supporters are.
Good for you!
Why am I not at all surprised, actually I have thought since Trump took office that this was the hook with Russia at least one major reason the Trump people are willing to compromise our democratic Republic. All of these white supremacist fools need to be removed from our body politic asap and into perpetuity.
The phrase I’ve seen used is “managed democracy”, and I think it was used in reference to the PRC and HK.