Discussion: Fla. Mayor Boots Man From Meeting After He Refused To Stand For Prayer, Pledge Of Allegiance (VIDEO)

And if a visiting Imam had asked for everyone to bow down for an “ecumenical style” prayer for our troops, then the mayor would have stifled his personal religious beliefs and happily bowed down?

Wait, what…doesn’t liberty mean freedom? So where’s the freedom to either stand or sit at a public forum, regardless of some authoritarian saying you don’t have said freedom? Everyone is always screaming about the federal government, when it is the local “authorities” who limit our freedoms the most.

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One of those things needs to happen to the Mayor. What’s it called again???
Oh yeah, shitcanned, booted, sacked, removed from office and tossed out on his own petard.
Separation of church and state means exactly what it says.

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Magical thinking dickheads. Richardson is right.

You have the freedom to do as you’re told.


It must be something in the water in Florida… so rising seawater can’t come fast enough…

what else would you expect from a city council that has a dress code. haven’t seen that many matching shirts since the last Romney family reunion

Freedom to follow the whims of a petty dictator is not freedom at all.

Wow, goes to show you just how out of touch our Chief Justice is when he thinks that there should be no separation of church and state.

It may not be required NOW, but if it gets to this Supreme Court…after all, they just found that Greece NY is allowed to not only have prayers but is allowed to limit them to Christian-only, etc.

This country is screwed.

What? Haven’t you seen paintings of Jesus and Mary ascending to heaven trailing a fart rainbow?

Hey, just like they do in Iran! Congrats Florida.

I sure hope the ACLU SUES, and teaches the law to the mayor your honor, then when you pass the citizenship test you can play major mayor again OK. Learn the rules your honor?

Next time he’s there, he should throw a few Bellamy Salutes.

Fascism on the march, cuz 'MURICA

The mayor and the entire board need to do the right thing.

RESIGN. Yesterday, if at all possible. Why? Well, because for starters, they’re un-American. Plus, as noted by others, the town board should be sued to within an inch of its life.

Finally…it’s Florida! Did you expect anything resembling common sense coming out of that state? Cripes, I think Bugs Bunny should have finished the job he started in that cartoon long ago(when Florida got sawed off of the rest of the U.S.)…


I pledge resistance
To the cultists
In the United States of America
And to the fascism
For which they stand

A police state
Under surveillance
With liberty and justice for none

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It is a very republican town. Make sense now?

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Ah, the good ole GOP’s respect for Freedom of Speech…just like when they strongly objected about the A&E’s suspension of Duck Dynasty’s Phil…

That’s the real reason he was kicked out. He was out of uniform, an insult to our uniformed armed services.

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An entire City Council is unfamiliar with the First Amendment Free Exercise and Establishment Clauses?

Surely there must be one American in the bunch.

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