Discussion: Fla. Mayor Boots Man From Meeting After He Refused To Stand For Prayer, Pledge Of Allegiance (VIDEO)

“It’s not fair to our troops and people overseas, sir.”


“I didn’t get a harrumph out of that guy.”

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I could not see where the troops figure in this situation. Its looks like the mayor was trying to trample on this man’s First Amendment rights. There is nothing else to it folks.


Since conservatives love the way things used to be so much they just need to just drop all pretenses and go back to the original (pre-WW2) flag salute, aka the Bellamy Salute.

Here we have the four horsemen of human misery riding together: Religion, nationalism, arrogance, and stupidity. Together these four are the author of nearly all self-inflicted human suffering.

It’s worse than what BigBraxStone supposes. A leftover federal “law” last amended to add “under God” during the HUAC/Joe McCarthy witchhunt era is still on the federal books (although completely unenforceable):

The Founders debated whether or not to incorporate a loyalty oath into the Constitution but unanimously voted not to based on their experience with such an oath as demanded by the British Crown. Unfortunately, our short sighted, unpatriotic legislators decided they knew better when they adopted the Pledge of Allegiance. They added insult to injury during the commie scares of the fifties when they added references to God in the Pledge.

Now here we are doing the very thing that the Founders abhorred. No one should be required to stand and/or recite any such Pledge or oath. Nor should they be required to pray upon command.

For those who think that this is disrespectful of our troops, bear in mind that our soldiers take an oath to defend the Constitution which includes the 1st Amendment. They do not take an oath to defend the Pledge and most of the soldiers I know would defend to the death a person’s right NOT to recite the Pledge.

But he was removed from a place he had all the rights to be in, thus the cops followed an illegal order. Cops are there to apply the law, not to obey a mayor with dictatorial tendencies.

I don’t know if I could have shown the courage to buck the trend and stand out in a council meeting, but a good answer to the mayor when he invoked “our troops” is "No sir–our troops are fighting for the right for me to NOT stand for the Pledge. I hated it when that cop said to the guy “either stand of leave!” Union of Socialistic States??? These Rethugs in Florida call allowing poor folks to get healthcare–A Commie plot–yet they do crap like THIS!!!

Not only do the councilMENs thoughts march forward in goose-step unity, they also all dress alike!

I hope the Mayor is asked this exact question.

I generally avoid anything with crosses on it like the plague.