Discussion: Fla. Mayor Boots Man From Meeting After He Refused To Stand For Prayer, Pledge Of Allegiance (VIDEO)

Come on, King Frederick II. had “suum cuique” as his motto. To each his own; meaning that he introduced religious freedom into his states before the United States even existed. Prussian blue is a pretty bad choice of color for your purposes.


OK. So sue the cop for unconstitutional “seizure” of the person expelled.

“We thank you for allowing us to be in a country where we’re free to march in goosestep”.


Kroger autoplay ad. NOT GOOD. Autoplay ads truly, truly suck.


In the flag salute case, Justice Jackson noted:

“There are village tyrants as well as village Hampdens [anti-royalist], but none who acts under color of law is beyond reach of the Constitution.”

That was seventy years ago. Still true today.


WTF is wrong with these people, we live in a republic, not some fascist, theocratic dictatorship.


And another thing, what does anything in this nobody town have to with our troops. Disrespect to our troops involves sending them to die in countries that did nothing to us, all to line the pockets of the 1%, not standing for the pledge of allegiance is not a sign of disrespect. Some one should slap some common sense into the mayor of that hick town.


I was thinking the exact same thing.

Mr. Richardson had done nothing that should have allowed the police to remove him from the room. Sitting quietly is not a violation of the order of the city council meeting.


Yep. New multi-million dollar lawsuit coming to a Florida town near you.

it doesn’t matter why mr. Richardson comes to the meetings, as a citizen, it’s his right to attend. why oh why do voters continue to elect people who turn into massive fiscal risks to the locality? are they stupid? do they not realize they could be stuck paying the tab, when the public official & the town is sued, for violating people’s constitutional rights? or, do they believe only they have constitutional rights, and anyone who thinks differently than them, don’t?

I hope winter garden’s liability insurance premiums are paid up, because mayor rees and the police are going to cost the town an awful lot of cash, for their arrogance and stupidity.


Why did the police comply with this guy’s request to remove the gentleman? Don’t they have some responsibility here? Has it come to this, where police manhandle people and remove them from a public place just because someone tells them to?

Even more shocking: the dude who got booted out was white!

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The city attorney should certainly have done so.

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Depending on how the policy is written, it may not cover things like this. Policies generally cover negligence, but not damages for deliberate and wilful violations of known law.

Meanwhile, even children have a perfect right not to stand for the pledge.


Thank you conservative majority on the supreme court for twisting things to put your religious beliefs over the constitution. You opened the door for every theocratic asshole out there.


This mayor is ignorant and intolerant. But I repeat myself.

Take my word for it. The mayor’s not Catholic.

Disrespectful to the troops? What’s disrespectful is being sent on useless destabilizing military missions which originate in a littledicked politicians’ need to prove their masculinity.

So wouldn’t the appropriate thing be for a whole crowd of people to show up and refuse to stand for the pledge? As they haul folks out, new ones could come in and take their place. Then, the whole lot joins in the ACLU lawsuit. I’d donate to that cause.


I hope he sues them. The ‘mayor’ has no clue WHY our troops fight. To show disrespect would mean you understand that. Guess not.