Discussion: Fla. Mayor Boots Man From Meeting After He Refused To Stand For Prayer, Pledge Of Allegiance (VIDEO)

Are we sure this isn’t a meeting of the Talosian Council? Those Talosians have some pretty strange ways, and look a lot like this council.


The cops should have known better and advised the idiotic dick-lock mayor it wasn’t right. Fucking assholes.


Stupid freakin rube confederates.


Ah yes, the myth of Christian tolerance; the myth of Christian forgiveness, and the myth of Christian love. Like the Unicorn, I am still waiting to see these phenomena with my own eyes.

Christianity would seem an authoritarian fraud, by all material evidence.


When President Cruz takes the White House, guys like Richardson won’t be able to get off so easy.

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Only a stone’s throw away from convert or die.

Completely un-American of the Mayor. This makes me sick with rage.


He wasn’t arrested, he was simply removed from the premises. The cops are in the clear here. The city council on the other hand…, let’s just say I hope they have a legal fund, because they are about to lose it.


“Rees told the Orlando Sentinel that he felt Richardson’s refusal to
stand during the pledge was disrespectful to American troops.”

Oh Mr. Rees…tsk, tsk, tsk! The American troops to whom you refer insure that Mr. Richardson has the absolute right NOT to stand for that pledge if he so chooses, you damned fascist.


I love when the sensitivities of generic ‘troops’ get scapegoated for abuse of power.


I am in complete agreement with Richardson. But on what grounds could he sue? What would have been the repercussions if he had refused to stand in the hallway and still not stand?

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Note that they pointedly did not say anything about being free not to believe or pray – they obviously don’t believe the First Amendment is a two-way street.


No, the video is still there. It started automatically playing when the page loaded just now – much to my annoyance, as I already had a radio station playing over the Internet.


buh buh buh FWEEDUMB!1@wQ!Q!!1!!1Q!!!1!QW1!!1

Mine and not yours that is!


Tell me again, what country are we living in? But, then, this was in Florida!

This is simply about one man trying to impose his will on others. It rarely works in a public setting. Of course Mr. Richardson does not have to stand for the pledge but the mayor wants him to. I’m sorry Mr. Mayor, and I do understand your frustrations and personal need to “do good” and your obsessive need to control the meeting, but you cannot impose your belief system on others.


Can’t spell “F-ing Lunatic Asswipes” without FLA.


An easy way for Richardson to make money off the taxpayers when he sues. I hope the citizens sue the mayor and police in turn.

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Perhaps someone (the city attorney?) should show the mayor the Supreme Court verdict in West Virginia vs. Barnette (1943). Interesting interpretation of First Amendment rights (the mayor’s, not the Supreme Court’s in its stellar decision).
PS: If the good mayor is not one who loves reading Supreme Court verdicts, perhaps wikipedia might do the trick: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Virginia_State_Board_of_Education_v._Barnette


Wanna bet that nobody responsible for this saw any irony whatsoever in their words and actions? Anyone whose arsenal includes irony would not have done this in the first place, bc irony requires some intellectual capacity to start with.


Didn’t the 9-11 hijackers stay in FLA just before the did the deed? Just up the street from Lush Rimbaugh?