Discussion for article #234615
5. REPEAL Every Word Of Common Core!
He’ll say this maybe once on a debate stage and then one of his co-conspirators will point out that CC is not a federal law. Cruz will look stupid and slink away into the dustbin of failed presidential candidates.
Drive the GOP field to the right? Seriously? If they were any more to the right they would be invading Poland.
Nativist parties are now doing quite well in Europe, and it is quite reasonable for the nativist faction in the GOP to grab the ball and run with it. I don’t think Cruz will get very far, however, as the big money needs to assure that Congress and the presidency are occupied by individuals committed to ongoing accrual of capital at the narrow upper end of the wealth spectrum. Alternatively, Mr. Cruz can deliberately try to avoid the wrath of the oligarchs by staying away from economic topics, and economically related topics such as climate disruption, and stick to hooting about the Konsteetooshun, lady junk, The Kenyan Usurper, Baby Jeezus and firearms. This, sadly, does not provide a very compelling case for him as a serious candidate and suggests he may suffer from severe narcissistic injury.
There may not be a debate on the ideas/policies of the Dems, since there’s generally very broad consensus on our side on what we want to do. It’s one of the real reasons Hillary’s coasting right now. It’s hard to argue a point when you’re saying the exact same things everyone on the field is saying. It’s really the window dressing we’re arguing, really.
But the debate the Republicans are going to have will be the mudslinging fest to end all mudslinging fests! Oh, the downward spiral into pettiness, racism, misogyny, bigotry, religious intolerance, and madness will be a thoroughly entertaining show to watch!
Once they hit rock bottom and realize exactly what they’ve done (and decided their best approach in the future is to have behind-closed-door debates so no one can see the ugliness that is inside their candidate’s souls), I will finally be able to lay off the popcorn and try to lose some of the weight gained through this about-to-start schadenfreude-rich journey.
Ted Cruz won’t drive the GOP field to the Right.
He’ll drive the GOP Clown Car off the cliff and I’m going to enjoy every second of seeing them implode!
Everyone else in the GOP Clown Car will be too stupid to call him on that!
I heard an MSNBC commentator say yesterday afternoon that Ted Cruz has charisma. I immediately burned my dictionary.
Repealing Common Core is like a man who leaves a big dump each morning and thinks his opinion counts as much as the plumber’s.
Repealing Obamacare is at least as big a tax increase for about as many people, as the flat earth tax.
Securing the border is the first step towards making Americans work for Mexican wages.
Marriages should be upheld by limiting everyone to a maximum of two.
ABOLISH corporations, and you could conceivably abolish the IRS, or at least scale it back considerably. Most of the tax code either deals with corporate taxes, or preventing individuals from acting like corporations when it comes to taxes. This is what prevents us from moving to a system where the IRS sends you your completed tax form.
Cruz will top out at 10%. The GOP nominee, based on the current assumed candidates, will either be Jeb Bush or Scott Walker. If Bush doesn’t gain traction, I could see John Kasich getting in at request of the establishment wing.
“Neither of these things is remotely likely to happen — the IRS isn’t going anywhere, and a flat tax at the rates conservatives want would blow up the deficit and make the tax code much less progressive.”
Oh yes and a Republican administration would NEVER blow up the deficit or make the tax code less progressive.
These things won’t happen while Obama is president, true. But with a Republican president and congress, why not?
How does one repeal Common Core? I was under the impression that it isn’t a law, but a set of standards agreed upon by a multitude of states. Someone correct me if I’m wrong here, but apparently this tvangelical preacher gets most of his applause by promising to get rid of this, that, or the other. It’s the anti-everything movement and possesses no substance.
I predict Scott Walker will fizzle off after a debate or two. He doesn’t seem to have the wit nor the substance in my opinion.
Cruisin’ on the Cruz platform.
Less healthcare. Less education and skills.
Less equality and opportunity. Fewer government services and no safety net.
More disease and death. More unskilled worker bees and income inequality.
More hate and intolerance.
More deficits, outsourcing, crumbling bridges, and hungry Americans.
I agree and, as I said before, he’d make a suitable veep for JEB.
REPEAL Every Word Of Obamacare
I just love that one. Underpants Gnomes logic
- Repeal Obamacare!
2.??? - Watch people die.
Even more scary is the applause from the student Morans (Morons) who are probably covered under their parents plan because of Obamacare.
But Jebus , Freedom , Liberty etc. Deep thinkers all
It’s no longer MSNBC. It’s become BSRNC!
Why, ol’ Rafael will tell you that you need to pray to the Big G and have faith the size of a mustard seed. Then, JC and his Sonshine Band will sprinkle you with their special Fairy Dust and save America from Gawdless Socialism like Common Core
If Bernie Sanders runs, it will be to push Hillary to the left. Ted Cruz is a different story. He has a massive ego. The only thing he is pushing himself.