It seems to me the only positive for Republicans in repeal of the ACA is it will make the R party true to their word.
It’ll also cripple them.
Twisting in the wind.
Guess this gives new meaning to the old saw “be careful what you wish for”…
If this becomes a “read my lips” moment for the GOP, that’s fine with me.
Republicans say giving taxpayer support to people in need is bad, but giving taxpayer money to profitable businesses is why we pay taxes.
It’s lucky for them that the Republicans have an experienced and respected President with a strong mandate to guide them through this delicate process. Oh wait …
There are two images that come to mind when I think of what the GOP is about to engage in. A sink hold in the desert and/or quicksand. Not sure which one takes you down the fastest but I suppose it’s a matter of choice.
Blind hatred for someone and what one does to react to that hatred is never a winning proposition. These folks never got over the Black man being in the WH. Okay, it threw you into a whirlwind.
Now you find yourselves in the position of having to stand true to your word and get rid of a significant piece of legislation that is helping and has helped millions of Americans. Once the dumb and desperate find out they will be on the receiving end of getting rid of this legislation, they are not going to be quite so jubilant. Go ahead pull the rug out from underneath. When they take that hard fall and find themselves screwed, watch out. A wounded animal can become feral at any moment. Already I’m enjoying this picture.
You’ve claimed costs, invasion of privacy, forcing employers to go against their religious beliefs to provide healthcare, and misinforming the masses about Planned Parenthood, the list goes on, are part of the reason for wanting to scrap the ACA. But all the time what you want is to line the pockets of corporations regardless of what it costs those who need to be insured. Well go ahead and pull that rug.
People who can least afford it, or who have been denied or will be denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions - by the way - being born is a pre-existing condition, kind of hard to avoid that, will now have to deal with your carelessness and mean spirited actions. But keep in mind there will be a day of reckoning. Actions have consequences.
Paul “The Undertaker” Ryan is the one who has been pushing hardest to immediately bury ACA, Medicare, Medicaid, Planned Parenthood and Social Security. It looks some Republicans are waking up to the truth about how absurdly reckless Lyin’ Ryan is. Looks like Ryan would crush the health of millions of Americans, and even damage the Republican party, in his insane zeal to emulate his heroine, Ayn Rand, in slashing the safety net. With typical Republican hypocrisy, both benefited from Social Security (Ryan as a teenager; Rand in old age), and Rand used Medicare. If there is a God, maybe She will take Ryan down a bunch of notches as the GOP wakes up to what he has done to them.
so…what we on the other side have always known is proved true…the republicans exist only to foil democrat presidents and harm the people in favor of the elites.(for 7 years they DID NOTHING…which no one appears to emphasize)…and continue to string along the IDIOTS who vote for their nonsense while creating all the harm…we have to live with.
george carlin was right again…a STUPID electorate is the goal…and we have that in spades!
ps…on the bright side…i doubt there is much to worry about medicare social security shenanigans…after this horror plays out…
Before the ACA, medical bills had become the biggest reason for personal bankruptcy. In a normal country like Sweden, the rate of medically induced bankruptcy is 0%, nada, nothing, ingenting. So back to federal court to deal with medical bills. It takes real genius to use the legal system to treat biological ailments.
My God- look at those rich, arrogant smirking asshats. Oh yeah, they represent us- they just don’t want any poor Americans getting more handouts than they do.
Power power power power. The GOP wants power and wants to crush the DEMs and keep them from ever having any power. This is all about power for them. It as NOTHING to do with health or governance.
House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) told TPM that it was “to be determined,” and would likely come in several steps. There is a new emphasis on doing no harm.
I guess that’s considered progress. But I’m not sure. Are we that beaten down?
[Paul “The Undertaker” Ryan]
I’m totally stealing that
I’m not sure how many people realize it, but defunding Planned Parenthood isn’t a simple task. Most federal funds come from Medicaid reimbursements, and a portion of Medicaid is covered by each state. So even if congress blocks Planned Parenthood from federal Medicaid funds, states would individually have to pass legislation to stop funding completely (like Texas). It’s not very hopeful insight, but anyone (on the right) assuming that congress can pass some funding bill and Planned Parenthood will magically go away is mistaken.
Speaker Ryan seems committed to the idea though; I called my representative after that.
Reps once again having to see the world as something other than black and white
It’s awful, but we might as well goad them into it, send letters of support to Paul Ryan, etc. The Republicans have measured their own effectiveness in their success at blocking and destroying. By the time they realize the same tactics won’t work when they have to build things, they will have pissed off the rest of the country.
That is, if the Democrats learn how not to play patsy.
If you want to know just what is at stake read this
There is a lot of stuff people just take for granted will be there, and it wont.
Nine years ago the GOP stuck the name “Obamacare” onto the law in an effort to make the law seem unpalatable. The name stuck, and people who got insurance through the law ended up liking it, thus making the name “Obamacare” seem likable. Republicans just can’t let the law stand, especially with that name, because it makes Obama more successful as president. If it were more well known as the ACA, perhaps they wouldn’t be so hell bent on repeal. Goddamn conservatives.
\anyway, my two cents