Discussion: Five Points On The Fuss Over The Planned Parenthood Fetal Tissue Harvesting Video

Discussion for article #238457

Points, schmoints. This is not good for PP, period. Why do people put themselves into this position? What happened to due diligence about backgrounding? How could a PP representative have discussions about such subjects in public? I am pro-abortion, but this kind of thing is going to lead to more restrictions.


There’s a large ¨yuck¨ factor in this, as there is with the use of cadavers in medicine. But real scientific research and education is done with those materials. Nothing here should obscure the central fact that women have the right to control their own bodies.


“Controversial” is a rather long word to use in a headline. You could have been more economical (and accurate) with words like “fraudulent” or “doctored.”

But then, without tin-eared writing, this wouldn’t be TPM.


You’d be surprised at how cavalier and even callous people in the medical field can be when they among themselves - or think they are - and can talk shop freely. (This is true in other fields as well; you don’t want to hear your kid’s Kindergarten teacher Miss Jones talk about her students when she’s at the bar with her colleagues after the last day of the school year.) Yes, it was impolitic, but she is not recounting anything criminal, and the real jerks are the people who filmed what was supposed to be a private conversation.

That said, I agree with you that it’s gonna be a shit storm.


“I tell you I am shocked – shocked – that Planned Parenthood is helping women donate fetal tissue to help save and improve the lives of others. Choosing an abortion is bad enough – no one should be allowed to try to make anything good come of it.”

The above is the gist of the so-called ‘Right to Life’ groups’ complaint. As per usual, the pro-choice people are trying to make life better for actual people and the Right to Life groups are trying to stop them.


Timing of this is suspect. How do we know this isn’t s fake?

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We know that in fact it is.




This isn’t fake, it’s just a heavily edited video that tries to make it look like PP is “selling” fetal material. You’re seeing 8 minutes of an almost 3 hour video. If you view the full video you’ll see that Dr. Nucatola makes it clear that the $30-$100 is to cover the cost of shipping the bio-genetic material. Nothing is being “sold” here.

Edit: Sorry Nick, this was meant as a response to @horrido

Another Edit: It looks like Gawker has already helped to debunk this video.


Exactly what I was thinking.

A supposed PP Exec sitting behind what looks like a reception desk of some kind discussing this specific or any subject in public. I for one doubt this is going to happen, especially with the result of the prior multiple episodes fresh in memory.

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Unplanned Parenthood, that is the ‘Conservative’ goal because they just care about the less fortunate sooooooo much.

Actually, the unwanted born are fodder for future ‘Conservative’ wars and backbreaking, low paying work, that is where their love comes from.


Lost in this discussion are the parents of children with debilitating illnesss. For it is they who ultimately benefit from donations of fetal tissue, especially the stem cells.

"The many benefits of fetal cell research"

"More than 40 years ago, scientists took tiny samples from three fetuses and discovered that those cells could replicate themselves almost indefinitely, unlike adult human cells. Those cells, cultured from that tiny amount of fetal tissue, are the origins of many of medicine’s largest breakthroughs; from one single experiment, millions of lives have been saved.

The three types of cells cultured from those fetal tissues - known to scientists as HEK293, WI-38 and MRC-5 - have revolutionized the prevention and treatment of human disease."


“[I]t’s gonna be a shit storm…”

Of course. Never let a good [manufactured] ‘controversy’ go to waste, and you can see that all the Republicans are right on top of it…


“Suprahhz, suprahhz!!!..”


this is such bullshit. i just watched mark halperin pimp this story that gave rick perry an opportunity to attack planned parenthood.
yeah… and how unfortunate that a doctor who was assuming she was speaking to other medical professionals actually spoke in the language that was direct and to the point about an unpleasant, but not uncommon and necessary practice.


Why do conservatives hate women so much?


What you term “cavalier” is actually the behavior of a professional. There is no place for polite conversation or emotion for that matter, in any professional occupation. Physicians are trained specifically to control their emotions and to always exhibit a professional demeanor and present the facts of their patient’s health without emotion. Who wants a doctor who cries when she tells you that you have cancer?

“The facts mam, just the facts.”
― Sgt Joe Friday Dragnet series


Appearing simultaneously via known usual suspects and playing the amped up role of a Jurassic World in this anti abortion summer reboot of an old wedge for a party suddenly stripped of dog whistles, this fake crisis smells as bad and seems as canned as Major Garrett’s presser drama.


Nobody is “pro-abortion”, Nick.

Points, schmoints indeed.